
Navy Command and APS Leadership Appointments in 2024

SThe Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) will be announcing further appointments to senior Navy positions throughout the summer.

Jrecently, VAAdm. Angus Topshee and CPO1 Tom Lizotte announced several appointments to Navy command and senior officer positions, including adjustments to the 2024 Active Deployment Season (APS).

“Appointments at unit command level are the centre of gravity of the RCN culture because we have entrusted you with our most valuable asset, our people. Do not betray that trust. Take command and lead your units with pride and conviction to ensure they are ready for battle. This should be the highlight of your career so far and we hope you enjoy every day in these positions.

“We have a lot of work to do, and you are essential to delivering the navy that Canada needs now and in the future,” said VAdm. Topshee, Commander RCN and CPO1 Lizotte at CANFORGEN 094/24.


Under CANFORGEN, the following officers are appointed as commanders:

  1. Commander J. Maurice has been appointed Commanding Officer of HMCS Charlottetown MT24
  2. Commander N. Buxton was appointed commanding officer of HMCS Fredericton MT24.


According to CANFORGEN, the following individuals have previously been appointed as Executive Directors:

  1. Lieutenant (N) A. Beaver appointed Executive Officer of HMCS Summerside MT23
  2. Lieutenant A. Duff has been appointed Executive Officer of HMCS Glace Bay MT23
  3. Lieutenant (N) S. Michaud has been appointed Executive Officer of HMCS Goose Bay MT23
  4. Lt. C. Reynolds has been appointed Executive Officer of HMCS Nanaimo MT23

The following individuals have been appointed as executive directors for the current year:

  1. Lieutenant N. Kucher – Executive Officer of Sea Training Pacific APS 24
  2. Commander J. Aitken – Executive Officer HMCS Charlottetown MT24
  3. Lieutenant M. Aubrey – Executive Officer HMCS Vancouver APS 24
  4. Lieutenant M. Delcourt – Executive Officer HMCS Fredericton MT24
  5. Lieutenant N. Shore – Executive Officer HMCS Calgary APS 24
  6. Lieutenant K. Brett – Executive Officer HMCS Edmonton APS 24
  7. Lieutenant W. Burdon – Executive Officer of the Operational Support and Maritime Intelligence Centre Trinity APS 24
  8. Lieutenant (N) S. Oxley – Executive Officer of the APS 24 Patrol Training Unit

Command of the Navy Tactical Unit

The following senior noncommissioned officers were previously appointed to Navy Tactical Post unit command teams:

  1. CPO1. J. Waterfield – Maritime Training Atlantic COXN APS 24
  2. CPO1 C. Esquivel – Atlantic CPO MT24 Personnel Coordination Center
  3. CPO1 T. Hodder – Head of the APS 23 Maritime Training Group

The following senior officers are appointed to the position of ship’s helmsman:

  1. CPO1 A. Normand – HMCS St. Johns APS 24
  2. CPO1 M. Goodwin – HMCS Calgary APS 24
  3. CPO1 T. King – HMCS Regina APS 24

The following persons are appointed unit leader and helmsman:

  1. CPO1. S. Wist – Cape Breton Formation Maintenance Plant Senior Production NCO APS 24
  2. CPO1. A. Hewlett – Director of Maritime Information Senior Petty Officer APS 24
  3. CPO1 N. Bresnahan – Director of Naval Personnel Honors and Recognition APS 24
  4. CPO1 O. Meyer – Senior Petty Officer, Pacific Fleet School, APS 24
  5. CPO1. J. Landry – Canadian Forces Transition Unit Nova Scotia Newfoundland Chief Warrant Officer APS 24
  6. CPO1 C. Smith – Naval Training and Development Center, Leadership Development, Senior Petty Officer APS 24
  7. PO1 J. Delorey – HMCS Summerside APS 24
  8. PO1 S. Darrigan – HMCS Shawinigan MT24
  9. PO1 S. Leveque – HMCS Glace Bay MT24
  10. PO1 Y. Mathe – HMCS Brandon APS 24
  11. AFTER 1. A. Jack – HMCS Yellowknife APS 24
  12. AFTER 1. G. Crewdson – HMCS Griffon APS 24
  13. PO1 N. Małpa – HMCS Queen Charlotte APS 24

The following senior sergeant was previously appointed unit leader:

  1. CPO1 D. Fillion – Quebec APS 23 Naval Fleet School

CANFORGEN concluded the meeting by stating: “Additional nominations will be announced separately.”