
Spain’s new swimming pool rules could ‘deter UK tourists elsewhere’

If you’re heading to Spain this year and have already booked your accommodation, you may have opted for one with a swimming pool to cool off on those long, hot days.

But new rules on swimming pools in parts of Spain have holidaymakers worried that British holidaymakers may cancel their holidays and head elsewhere.

Several bookings in the Costa del Sol region have already been cancelled, and bosses fear there will be more, as a result of the Junta de Andalucía’s drought regulations, which impose restrictions on filling private pools and watering gardens.

Birmingham Live reports that a protest took place in Malaga last week to call for the rules to be relaxed, following the government’s recent announcement to allow swimming pools in public health and sports centres, hotels and campsites to open during the summer rush.

But business owners want the rules to be relaxed even further – and fear holidays will be cancelled if they don’t. Despite recent rain, the Andalusia region is still suffering from a prolonged drought.

For this reason, some towns and villages have introduced night-time restrictions on water supply and water pressure, which affects tourist accommodation facilities.

Samantha Austin, who represents some 50,000 holiday apartments on the coast, told Sur in English that holidaymakers come to Spain “for a pool and a good time”. She said: “I have a lot of customers waiting to hear from me, wondering whether to come or not.

“If there’s no pool, they’ll change the destination this year. We have cancellations and there will be more.”

Business owners and unions are calling for restrictions to be eased ahead of another meeting this week where officials will set rules for water use during the upcoming holiday season.

Local authorities on the Costa del Sol and in Malaga currently ban the use of drinking water to fill swimming pools, meaning that raw water from wells or groundwater can be used to fill pools.

The water then needs to be filtered in the pool, which requires the pool to be closed for 24 to 72 hours.

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