
CHP organizes 24-hour “educational marathon” in Ankara


The main opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), held a 24-hour “education marathon” in the capital Ankara on July 18 to protest against the government’s education policies.

“From kindergarten to bachelor’s, master’s and later professional processes, we are going through a period where we are constantly lagging behind, full of shortcomings and not doing what is needed,” said CHP leader Özgür Özel in his opening speech.

The CHP’s main concerns relate to the teaching profession law, which is currently being debated in parliament, and the newly adopted curriculum.

The draft law aims to change the system of professional advancement for teachers and thoroughly rebuild the appointment procedures in this sector.

“Education is Turkey’s main problem. With the huge economic crisis that they themselves created, education has become the biggest co-problem for the future,” said Suat Özçağdaş, CHP deputy leader for education.

He accused the government of “turning education into a puzzle.”

The newly adopted curriculum, dubbed the “Turkish Century Maarif Model,” has been criticized by the CHP for being ideologically based.

The party opposes the inclusion of the term “Turkish Century” in the title of the curriculum, arguing that it is a slogan used in the policies of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and in election campaigns.

Özçağdaş also disagreed with the use of the Arabic word “maarif” instead of the Turkish equivalent of education “eğitim”. He argues that the proposed model has no basis in any educational theory or philosophy.

The event, which featured more than 100 speakers, including scientists, experts, researchers, trade union representatives and other politicians, was open to the public and was attended by citizens.