
New zoning rules aim to create an ‘attractive environment’ for living and working in Leander

The Leander City Council gave final approval to a zoning ordinance change at its July 18 meeting that will expand entertainment options within the city.


During the July 10 City Council meeting, city staff recommended an amendment that would set forth provisions for the entertainment overlay in the city’s zoning ordinance.

According to city officials, this entertainment overlay acts as a general zoning designation for a given property or development, allowing it to be zoned for more entertainment options, including nightclubs, theaters and banquet halls.

Executive Director of Development Services Robin Griffin said the entertainment overlay gives developers and property owners some relief from the city’s typical zoning standards and expectations.

The amendment also provides for more relaxed restrictions on food truck parks. Previously, food truck parks needed a special permit approved by the council to operate. However, Griffin said the amendment allows them to be in entertainment overlays without that extra step.

Finally, the amendment adds farmers markets to the city’s zoning code. Before the amendment, Griffin said the city’s ordinance was “silent” about farmers markets. Individuals had to apply for special events or special use permits to set one up.

Griffin said the amendment allows farmers markets to serve as an entertainment feature, adding that they can still be established under special-use permits.

Put in perspective

Deputy Economic Development Director Nichole Vance said the new zoning rules could have an economic development impact and help attract new businesses to the city, while also benefiting existing businesses.

“The overlay is really about diversifying and revitalizing our business landscape while creating a high-quality destination for both residents and businesses,” she said. “The entertainment (overlay) creates an attractive environment where employees want to live and work, which is a really important factor when companies are deciding where they want to locate their business.”

According to Vance, the new rules could impact existing businesses because:

  • Offering opportunities to extend opening hours and cross-promote with new locations, which can help increase traffic and sales in their locations
  • Filling the gap in designated spaces for cultural and social activities, e.g. farmers’ markets

“(The ordinance) could really make Leander a more complete and self-sufficient community where people can find entertainment, restaurants (and) shopping, and they don’t have to travel outside of the city,” she said. “I think the overlay is a tool that gives us the opportunity to help create a really thriving, thriving community.”

One more thing

During the July 10 meeting, the council mentioned several changes it wanted city staff to make to the zoning ordinance amendment. Those changes were ultimately adopted at the July 18 meeting.

Griffin said the following changes have been made:

  • Update to clarify that the overlay can cover multiple properties or one large property
  • Adding a minimum number of vendors or stands to be considered a farmers market, to five

After the ordinance passed, council member Michael Herrera recommended the city hold a workshop for businesses to explain the new rules and how they can benefit from them. A date for the workshop has not yet been set.