
Public authorities can issue simple orders more quickly

Reducing bureaucracy – Public authorities will soon be able to issue orders in a simpler way

In future, it should be easier for companies from Baden-Württemberg to win public contracts, said Wirtschaftsministerin Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (CDU). Stuttgart to the German Press Agency: “The threshold for direct contracts for companies should be raised from 25,000 to 100,000 euros.” This would make it easier for state institutions to award contracts. The cheapest is not always the best. The relevant administrative regulation has been shortened from 59 to twelve pages and thus significantly simplified.

The administrative regulation on public procurement is to be adopted in the cabinet on Tuesday and will enter into force on October 1. It concerns state authorities. The CDU politician also stated that it is crucial to dismantle bureaucracy. The authorities are suffocating in a flood of regulations. “If the pressure from the economy were not so great, there would be no movement towards abolishing regulations.”

In order to significantly take into account the offers of start-ups in the public procurement sector and mobilise them to apply for public contracts, innovative solutions for start-ups are to be particularly supported within the framework of a three-year pilot project.

Managing Director of the IHK-Region Stuttgart, Susanne Herre, supports the planned change. It is a bold step towards reducing bureaucracy and should lead by example, she said. “It would be a huge relief for both awarding bodies and companies bidding for contracts. Many small and medium-sized companies would be able to re-bid without the burden of the incredible formalism of public procurement law.”

The proposed change to the administrative rules is supported by the Managing Director of the IHK-Region Stuttgart, as it aims to reduce bureaucracy. According to her, this step is a significant step towards making the public procurement process easier for both state authorities and companies. By raising the threshold for direct contracts for companies from 25,000 to 100,000 euros, the Baden-Württemberg regional government hopes to make it easier for companies to win public contracts. CDU politician Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut emphasizes the importance of dismantling bureaucracy, stating that it is strangling the authorities due to a flood of regulations.

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