
We have no information about the participation of the Paralympic team in any marathon in Oslo – Ministry of Sport

The Ministry of Youth and Sports said it had no knowledge of a Paralympic team participating in any marathon in Oslo.

According to the Ministry, whenever an event of this type is planned, the Ministry receives technical recommendations from the National Sports Authority. Based on these recommendations, the Ministry forwards the names of athletes who are to take part in the competition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate the acquisition of a visa.

“With regard to visa assistance and travel arrangements for athletes, the Ministry of Youth and Sports operates in accordance with the technical recommendations of the National Sports Authority (NSA). Federations submit applications for visa assistance for athletes who are to participate in any international competitions.

“The Ministry of Youth and Sports then forwards a communication with requests to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration to facilitate the acquisition of appropriate visas at the relevant embassies and consulates,” reads the July 21 communiqué signed by the Public Relations Unit.

In the case of the Paralympic team, the ministry said it had not received any communication from the National Sports Authority.

“In connection with the incident in Norway, the Ministry of Youth and Sports did not receive any notification from the National Sports Authority or the National Paralympic Committee regarding the mentioned competition and was therefore not aware of the participation of the Paralympic team in the marathon,” the statement added.

The ministry said it was actively working with the relevant authorities to investigate and resolve issues related to the incident.

“We therefore wish to assure the public that appropriate punitive measures will be meted out to anyone found responsible for this incident once the investigation is complete. Measures will be strengthened to avoid similar incidents from occurring in the future.

The statement advised embassies to verify visa applications for sports competitions and tournaments with the ministry, “especially those purporting to represent the country in a national capacity,” before approving them.

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