
Miltech Simulations Releases British Carrier Strike Group V2

Miltech Simulations has made a major improvement to its UK Carrier Strike Group add-on. British V2 Carrier Strike Group includes major visual improvements, new functional improvements thanks to Miltech Simulations’ Carrier Toolbar, and new locations.

The visual update includes completely new 3D models for HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales. New modeling and new PBR textures should provide a better and more immersive experience. New interiors for the carriers are also included, in the form of a hangar (accessible by elevator), as well as the interior of the bridge, including the ATC tower. The deck crew and vehicles have also been updated.

Miltech Simulations has also added 24 new locations for the UK Carrier Strike Group V2 release, 12 of which are static and the remaining 12 are mobile. V2 also supports Miltech Simulations’ own Carrier Toolbar application, which adds a number of new features to the carrier suite. You will be able to animate carrier lifts, align carriers with the wind, fast taxi, get directions to carriers and teleport, among other features.

Miltech Simulations’ UK Carrier Strike Group V2 is available for $9.50 on their own website. Existing UK Carrier Strike Group (v1) customers receive a free update to V2.


  • The Queen Elizabeth Carrier and Prince of Wales Carrier 3D models have been completely reworked and retextured. The new carrier models feature a much higher level of detail, as well as high-resolution PBR texturing.
  • The Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales carriers now have mobile elevators and an accessible aircraft hangar. These can be operated/accessed via the Miltech Carrier Toolbar app
  • Detailed modeling of the bridge interior, including the air traffic control tower.
  • All carrier locations, both mobile and static, can now be located using unique ICAO codes.
  • New locations have been added. A total of 12 static locations and 12 mobile locations worldwide are included. See the product description for a full list of included locations.
  • Remastered models and textures of all support ships.
  • New deck crew models, including both animated and static characters.
  • New deck vehicle models, textured exactly like those used by the RAF on board QE and PW aircraft carriers.
  • QE and PW carriers now have different deck configurations.
  • TACAN was set to 78X on both carriers (at fixed locations only), just like on real carriers.
  • The ILS system was properly configured and aligned to all static carriers, frequency 108.95 (all static locations)
  • Full support for Miltech Carrier Toolbar applications including: Align to Wind on moving carriers, Quick Taxi, Directions to Carriers and Teleporting.
  • Every vessel in motion has its own trail left by the boat.
  • Full support for Miltech Simulations CH47D