
In an industry rife with distrust and inefficiency, Return Helper saw an opportunity to transform the returned goods market

“How They See It” is where we delve into the minds of those steering the ships of today’s most dynamic companies. In this installment, we ask Roy Wan, CEO of Return Helper, about his work leading this transformational logistics company. He shares his vision for creating a seamless returns process, the importance of building trust in e-commerce, and the importance of enabling businesses and consumers to navigate the complexities of returns with confidence and ease.

I help people get their stuff back – that’s a simple statement, but it encompasses a whole world of complexities and challenges. When I started Return Helper, most potential customers didn’t even know they could get their lost items back or get compensation for mishandled goods.

The industry was rife with distrust and inefficiency, and I saw an opportunity to transform it. My goal was to create a business and increase trust in e-commerce and logistics, which would ultimately make people’s lives easier.

I remember those early days very clearly. It was like trying to sell ice to Eskimos. People were so used to ignoring their grievances and disappointments that they didn’t believe in a solution. But I was determined to change that. Every successful case was a victory, not only for the customer but for the industry.

This transformation in customer trust has underscored the broader importance of making returns a profit center or cost optimization area for e-commerce businesses. With Return Helper, we can now provide a comprehensive solution that increases the efficiency of the returns process and reduces losses.

On a lighter note, I recall a funny incident when one of my mother’s friends thought I ran a detective agency. She couldn’t believe that an entire profession was devoted to helping people recover lost goods and solve logistical problems. Moments like these underscore how niche and underappreciated this field can be.

The value of innovation

Persistence is key in this industry. It’s like running a marathon, where the finish line is constantly moving. I faced a lot of challenges in the beginning. Convincing people that they had options and could act was no small feat—many of my clients were initially skeptical. They had faced so many dead ends with other services that they didn’t believe it was possible.

But with each success story at Return Helper, I saw a change in perception. Customers began to trust the process, and word of mouth began to bring more people to us.

Innovation also plays a huge role in what I do. The industry is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential. Implementing new technologies, improving our processes, and constantly looking for ways to better serve our customers has been a driving force. It’s not just about keeping up; it’s about leading.

Despite this, misconceptions about my work are common. One common misconception is that it all revolves around legal battles. While legal knowledge is key, the essence of what we do goes beyond that. Our focus is advocacy and ensuring that our clients feel heard and supported throughout the process.

Technology and transformation

Embracing technology has been a game changer for us, especially in an industry like logistics that is constantly evolving—staying ahead requires constant innovation. Today, Return Helper has successfully integrated new technologies into our processes to increase efficiency and better serve our customers. From predictive analytics to AI-powered solutions, technology has allowed us to be more proactive in preventing issues and resolving them faster when they do occur.

Our goal is to make the process as seamless as possible for our customers. We want them to feel supported and confident that their issues will be resolved. Technology has also allowed us to streamline our operations and provide more accurate and timely solutions. It’s an exciting time for this industry, with so many advancements on the horizon.

But our job is about more than just solving problems; it’s about creating a more reliable and trustworthy e-commerce environment. Online transactions are increasingly becoming the norm, and ensuring that goods reach their intended destinations is essential. The services we offer at Return Helper help increase consumer confidence and support businesses in maintaining their reputations.

This is a responsibility we take very seriously and we are constantly looking for ways to improve our operations and adapt to changing conditions.

Looking to the future

When I imagine the future, it’s not just about growth in numbers, but also in impact. Imagine a world where lost or mishandled goods are as rare as chicken teeth. So our role will evolve from problem-solving to proactive prevention. That’s an exciting prospect, and it’s what drives me to do the work we do every day.

Providing efficient and reliable logistics becomes even more critical in a world full of conflicts. Return Helper can help make global trade smoother by providing these services and fostering better economic relationships and trust. Our work may seem small in the grand scheme of things, but every problem solved and every customer satisfied brings us closer to a more connected and harmonious world.

My journey as CEO of Return Helper has been one of learning, perseverance, and innovation. Helping people recover what is rightfully theirs and ensuring smooth logistics is more than just a job—it’s a mission. As we evolve our services to meet the needs of an evolving digital world, I remain hopeful and committed to making a lasting, positive impact.