
Biden’s Infant Formula Trade Policy Puts Corporate Interests Above Public Health

Despite promises to prioritize public health, the Biden administration has pushed many countries to relax regulations on infant formula after complaints from manufacturers.

Heather Vogell reports ProPublica.

In short:

  • The United States has opposed regulating baby formula in more than a dozen countries, often after manufacturers raised concerns.
  • Attempts to lower lead levels in formula milk and promote breastfeeding have met opposition from U.S. officials.
  • These actions contradict the public stance of the administration, which puts people above corporate interests.

Key Quote:

“The idea that governments are aiding and abetting them in their commercial activities at the expense of public health is really shocking to me.”

—Marion Nestle, emeritus professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University

Why is this important:

While the Biden administration’s official line is public welfare, the playbook behind the scenes appears to be tipping the scales in favor of the big players in the infant formula game, potentially endangering the health of the youngest and most vulnerable. Read more: What Will It Take to Give Babies a Phthalate-Free Start in the World?