
Possible Impacts of Governor Newsome’s Campground Order

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Some people are concerned about Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive order to clear out homeless encampments.

“It’s one thing to ban encampments, but what happens to the people who live there?” said Deacon Jim Vargas of Father Joe’s Villages. “We need to do something as a community, and that’s what I’m saying, that’s a call to action. We need to do better for our people on the streets.”

Vargas said Father Joe’s Street Health provides health care and other services, such as drug addiction help, to homeless people.

He added that the executive order could have a knock-on effect on their team’s efforts to search for those they helped after the camp is cleared.

“When the camps disperse, that’s when the disconnect happens, okay? And those people that we’ve helped with their health situation are going to fall back, and they’re falling back because it’s hard for us to connect with them,” Vargas said. “From a health perspective, we’re very concerned.”

Another concern Vargas has is that if encampments are to be dismantled, more ways are needed to help the homeless, such as providing more shelter beds.

“To effectively impact the lives of individuals, we need to make sure we are applying the proper resources that are necessary to help them get up and out of homelessness,” Vargas said.

Vargas said while more shelter beds are needed to help those in encampments, the ultimate solution is to provide more affordable housing to address the homelessness crisis.