
“The driver had saliva hanging from his chin and food was spilled on his drink”

A report of a “silver Nissan driving all over the roadway, weaving between cars” led to the arrest of a woman who was apparently delivering food on her 50th birthday.

“I observed the vehicle cross into the opposite lane of traffic,” the Florida police officer wrote late on July 5, “and then stop on the double yellow line dividing the lanes.

“After a short distance, he stopped in the middle of the road and began to pose a threat.”

The driver managed to “move to the right side of the road, into the grass” to make a stop, but the situation reportedly became increasingly worse after the two came together.

“The driver, whose Florida license number was listed as Amy Yandell, was apparently under the influence of some substance,” the officer wrote.

“Amy had spit or drool hanging from her chin,” the arrest report continued, “food was spit on top of her drink, and she was having difficulty forming complete sentences.

“Amy said she was an Uber Eats driver trying to deliver food. She had the app on and was close to where she needed to go; however, for the last three miles, she was driving erratically all over the road.

“When Amy spoke, she had a sweet, fruity smell, and her speech was slurred.

“I asked Amy if she had anything to drink and she said no.”

No food will be delivered that night.

The officer wrote that she agreed to perform standard field sobriety tests but “once she got out of the vehicle, she had trouble finding the door lock.

“When she finally stood up, she had to lean on the vehicle to get to the back of the vehicle.”

Her actions were not described, but “After passing standard field sobriety tests and based on my observations, Amy was arrested for driving under the influence,” the officer wrote.

Her car, which was supposed to be towed, reportedly had a “sweet, fruity smell to the fluid in the Yeti cup in the center console. A sample was taken as evidence for testing.

“A clear plastic THC d8 gummy container was found on the right side of the front passenger door in the grass. It was approximately four feet from the vehicle.

“Next to the bottle were three blue THC gummies that appeared fresh. The blue THC gummies were field tested and were likely positive for THC.”

Another responding officer reported a “silver vaporizer found in her left rear pocket with liquid inside. The liquid pad tested presumptive positive for cocaine.”

The officer then wrote, “I asked why there was a bottle of THC gummies outside the car on the passenger side.

“Amy said she threw them out of the vehicle and she regretted what she did. She said she tried to get rid of them.”

She was taken to hospital and then to prison.

There, she “agreed to take a breath test,” the arrest report said. “However, while attempting to activate the breathalyzer, Amy lost her ability to think coherently and was unable to complete the test.

“Due to Amy’s condition, she was also unable to sign a DUI ticket. A blood draw will be issued.”

Yandell, who just turned 50, was charged with driving under the influence (DUI), tampering with evidence, possession of a controlled substance – THC gummies and possession of a controlled substance – cocaine.

She was released after 16 hours on $8,500 bail, but her detention did not last long.

A few days later, her daughter wrote the judge a three-page handwritten letter “to highlight my mother’s tragic situation with drug addiction.”

A judge then ordered the bail set for her June 23 detention to be revoked.

Yandell was arrested and reportedly found in possession of drugs.

“She advised, tried to hide the pipe because she didn’t want it to be found because she knew she would get in trouble for it,” the arrest report from that night reads.

Yandell was charged with tampering with evidence, possession of methamphetamine, possession of THC oil, possession of THC edibles, possession of a small amount of marijuana and possession of drug preparation equipment. She spent four days in jail.

She is now being held without bail.