
DC Reasi Discusses Arrangements for Launching Kissan Khidmat Ghars

DC Reasi Vishesh Mahajan will chair the meeting on Saturday.
DC Reasi Vishesh Mahajan will chair the meeting on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent

REASI, July 27: Deputy Commissioner Reasi, Vishash Mahajan convened a meeting of newly elected Krishi Udyamis and district officers of agriculture and allied sectors in the presence of ADDC Reasi Sukhdev Singh Samyal and Chief Planning Officer Reasi Narinder Gupta to discuss various issues related to the successful launch of Kissan Khidmat Ghars (KKGs) in the district.
Krishi Udyami is a government programme aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and supporting employment of unemployed youth.
During the meeting, DC stressed the need for collaboration to uplift the financial status of the farming community by transforming farmers from mere producers to entrepreneurs. He stressed that all departments concerned should make all efforts in this direction.
He stressed that young educated farmers need to be motivated and guided to come forward and adopt agriculture and allied activities as income generating ventures. He also discussed the preparations for opening Kisan Khidimat Ghars (KKGs) in the district. He said that KKGs are a one-stop shop for farmers to connect with everything related to agriculture and allied sectors. These KKGs will provide access to all agricultural inputs apart from crop and weather advisory. This initiative will provide employment opportunities to the youth and easy online access to government schemes.
More than 40 Krishi Udyami were present on the occasion. Chief Agriculture Officer Reasi Harbans Singh gave a detailed overview of the job profile of Krishi Udyami and presented HADP in PPT mode. Moreover, District Level Officers of related departments also highlighted their plans.

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