
Landslide in China kills six after flash flood

AND landslide Flash flooding in Hunan province killed six people on Sunday, according to state media reports. State broadcaster CCTV said the disaster “caused a single-story guesthouse to collapse.”
The broadcaster further stated that “it has been initially confirmed that 18 people have been buried”, adding that six bodies and six injured survivors have so far been recovered from the burial site.
This incident is one of many extreme weather phenomena China has experienced this summer. Earlier this month, flash floods in north and southwestern China claimed at least 20 lives. In May, a highway in southern China collapsed after days of heavy rains, killing 48 people.
China currently holds the title of the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, which scientists say are contributing to climate change and increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Although China has long relied on polluting energy sources such as coal, the country has pledged to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2060.
Despite its reliance on fossil fuels, China is also the world’s largest producer of renewable energy. A recent study found that Beijing is building almost twice as much solar and wind capacity as the rest of the world combined, showing its commitment to switching to cleaner energy sources.