
Company launches platform that will revolutionize access to solar energy

In a bid to increase the availability of solar energy in Nigeria, energy and power solutions company, Groupowe, has launched a solar power platform aimed at providing Nigerian homes and businesses with access to solar energy.

Groupower project leader Yeshua Russel said the platform aims to use cutting-edge technologies to improve access to solar energy, making renewable energy sources more widespread and sustainable.

At the launch in Abuja yesterday, he said: “Our platform brings together multiple stakeholders to provide customers with seamless access to high-quality solar energy.”

“That is why we created Groupower, the Uber of solar energy, to provide Nigerians with a sustainable solution.”

“We have built a network of technical, installation, training, financial and insurance partners to provide Nigerians with adequate solar energy at the right price”

“Our goal is to expand across Africa, using technology and partnerships to make solar energy accessible to all,” Russell said.


The Executive Director of Technical Services at the Rural Electrification Agency (REA), Umar Abdullahi, said: “I would like to thank Groupower for this initiative at this critical juncture where renewable energy, especially solar, is at the forefront of power generation in Nigeria.

“About twenty million Nigerians have limited or no access to electricity and we at REA believe that rural electrification in Nigeria is the enormous task before us.

Therefore, collaborating with organisations like Groupower can help us fulfil our mandate,” Umar said.

Ibe Sunday, representing Aviation Minister Festus Kayamo, noted that the project was in line with the minister’s vision for renewable energy.

The project is a partnership between Groupower, the Ministry of Education, the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and the World Bank.