
6 Uncommon Project Management Concepts Startup Founders Should Know

Being an efficient project manager is crucial for the success of startup projects. Leading a project to success with limited resources and constantly changing variables is very challenging, so it’s a worthwhile investment to have a diverse toolbox of project management concepts and techniques that could get you out of difficult situations.

In this article, we explore 6 uncommon project management concepts so that they can be used as a starting point for further research if any of the techniques fit your project management needs and circumstances.

1. Theory of Constraints (TOC)

The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a methodology that focuses on identifying and managing the most significant limiting factor (constraint) that stands in the way of achieving a goal. TOC involves five steps: identifying the constraint, exploiting the constraint, subordinating everything else to the above decisions, elevating the constraint, and repeating the process if the constraint has shifted.

For startups, TOC is particularly useful because resources are often limited. By pinpointing the most critical bottleneck in their processes, startups can focus their efforts on making improvements where they will have the most significant impact. For instance, if a startup’s software development process is slowed down by a lack of testing resources, TOC would direct the company to allocate more resources to testing, thus speeding up the entire development cycle. This targeted approach can help startups optimize their operations and improve efficiency, which makes it extremely valuable for the efficiency startup stage

2. Cynefin Framework

The Cynefin Framework is a decision-making model that helps leaders understand the complexity of the situations they are dealing with. It categorizes problems into five contexts: obvious, complicated, complex, chaotic, and disorder. Each context requires a different approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

In the context of a startup, the Cynefin Framework can be invaluable for determining which project management methodologies to use in different situations. For example, an obvious context, where cause and effect are clear, might be managed with standard operating procedures. In contrast, a complex context, where there are many unknowns and interdependencies, might require more iterative and adaptive approaches, such as Agile. By using the Cynefin Framework, startup founders can better match their management strategies to the specific nature of the challenges they face, leading to more effective problem-solving.

3. OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is a goal-setting framework that helps organizations define measurable goals and track their outcomes. OKRs consist of an objective, which is a clear and compelling goal, and several key results, which are specific, measurable actions that will lead to the achievement of the objective.

For startups, OKRs can be an essential tool for ensuring alignment and focus. Startups often operate in fast-paced environments where priorities can shift rapidly. OKRs provide a structured way to set clear goals and measure progress. For example, a startup might set an objective to “increase user engagement,” with key results such as “launch two new features by Q3” and “achieve a 20% increase in active users.” This framework ensures that everyone in the organization understands the goals and works towards the same outcomes, which can drive coordinated efforts and better results.

4. Holacracy

Holacracy is a decentralized management system that replaces traditional hierarchical structures with self-organizing teams. In a holacratic organization, authority and decision-making are distributed through clear, defined roles rather than job titles, allowing teams to operate more autonomously and adapt quickly to changes.

For startups, adopting holacracy can foster innovation and agility. Startups often need to pivot and adapt rapidly, and a traditional hierarchical structure can slow down decision-making. By empowering teams to make decisions independently, holacracy can help startups respond more swiftly to market changes and new opportunities. For instance, a startup using holacracy might find that its product development team can quickly implement new features based on user feedback without waiting for approval from upper management. This autonomy can lead to faster innovation and a more dynamic organization.

5. Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)

Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) focuses on managing the resources needed to complete project tasks. Unlike traditional project management methods that emphasize task order and timing, CCPM identifies the critical path of tasks that directly impact the project timeline and allocates resources to ensure these tasks are completed as efficiently as possible.

For startups that often operate with limited resources, CCPM can optimize project schedules and improve efficiency. By concentrating on the critical chain of tasks and using buffers to manage uncertainties, CCPM ensures that resources are used where they are most needed. For example, a startup developing a new app might use CCPM to identify the key tasks that could delay the launch and allocate additional developers to those tasks. This focus on resource optimization can help startups meet deadlines and deliver projects on time, even with constrained resources.