
Trump falsely claims Biden has been ‘convicted’ over documents

Ex-president Donald Trump on Monday, he falsely stated in an interview with Fox News that the president Joe Biden was convicted of keeping secret documents as a private person.

Trump was charged last year after an FBI search of Mar-a-Lago in August 2022 turned up a trove of government materials. The Justice Department alleges that Trump, who has pleaded not guilty, intentionally withheld secret documents and made it difficult for the government to recover them. The case was reversed earlier this month when a federal judge he appointed controversially dismissed it. The Justice Department is appealing.

Biden has been embroiled in his own docudrama. Biden officials have said the president had secret documents from his time as a senator and vice president, and Biden’s lawyer voluntarily gave them to the federal government.

The special counsel investigating Biden’s document retention ultimately declined to prosecute him, saying a jury would likely see him as “an older man with a poor memory” and therefore unlikely to convict him.

In an interview with Fox News, Laura Ingraham Trump asked: “Why don’t people trust senior FBI officials anymore?”

“Well, they had a bad time,” he said. “I mean, they invaded Mar-a-Lago. That’s not good. And I think we’re suing. You know, we won the whole thing. We won it the right way. We won it because we won. We won it in court. It was a big deal. There was almost no publicity.”

Trump then repeated his false claim that he had the right to withhold the documents.

“I had permission,” he continued. “Presidential Documents Act.”

Last year, the National Archives issued a rare statement saying the documents found at Mar-a-Lago were to be transferred to the agency after Trump left office.

“Now, with Biden, he really has been convicted in this case,” Trump added, despite the fact that Biden was never charged. The former president continued, falsely claiming that the special counsel did not prosecute because Biden was deemed too “incompetent” to stand trial. In reality, the special counsel simply refused to pursue the case.

He was dismissed from the case,” he added. “They said he was incompetent, so he couldn’t stand trial. And yet he would have been allowed to become president. Think about it. So in a sense, he won. Of course, you don’t want to win like that. You win because you’re incompetent. But he was actually guilty.”

Watch above on Fox News.

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