
This Cool Gadget Helped Me Improve My Sleep With Deep Breathing

A hand holding a Moonbird breathing device A hand holding a Moonbird breathing device

Taylor Leamey/CNET

I’m not good at deep breathing. Despite knowing it has many benefits for anxiety and sleep, I’ve never been able to focus on the breathing exercises. I get distracted too easily and can never really clear my mind enough to reap the benefits…until now.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been testing out Moonbird, a portable breathing device that aims to reduce stress and help you sleep better. While the idea behind Moonbird isn’t new, it makes breathing exercises for relaxation more accessible to the average person by taking the guesswork out of whether you’re doing them right.

Just hold it and breathe. It’s a simple device that’s easy to use, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Read on to find out about my experience with the Moonbird and what I think about it.

Read more: 5 Grounding Techniques to Try When You’re Feeling Anxious

What is Moonbird?

Moonbird is a portable breathing device. It’s not too big or too small and fits comfortably in my hand when I hold it. It gets cool when you turn it on. When you shake the device and place your thumb on the sensor to start a breathing session, Moonbird breathes with you. There are balloon-like structures on both sides of the device that allow it to expand and contract.

A hand holding a Moonbird breathing device A hand holding a Moonbird breathing device

Moonbird expands and contracts in your hand.

Taylor Leamey/CNET

All you have to do is inhale as it expands and exhale as it contracts. Think of it as a breathing coach you can take with you anywhere to release stress and find relaxation in real time.

According to a Moonbird sleep study, 81% of people who used the device felt more rested during the day, and 87% had improved sleep quality. Moonbird recommends using it two to three times a day to get the most benefit, starting with shorter sessions to start. Honestly, I was skeptical at first. It seemed like one of those gadgets you buy, use for a week, and then give up. I was surprised by how much I liked it.

The beauty of the Moonbird is that it is incredibly simple and easy to set up. All I had to do was take it out of the box and charge it. One of my favorite things about the Moonbird is that you don’t have to use the app to use it, which is great when you’re on the go. The Moonbird works on a shake-and-wake principle. Just shake the Moonbird, place your thumb over the sensor, and it will start up.

The app is not required to use Moonbird, but I encourage it. For me, it was another layer of focus that helped me focus on my breathing. The app adds personalization, tracking, and audio guides to your Moonbird experience.

How much does Moonbird cost?

You can get the Moonbird for $199. It’s not what I would consider cheap, but it’s in line with other sleep gadgets I’ve seen on the market. It’s probably a bit more expensive than what you might buy on impulse. If you’re serious about deep breathing, I think it’s a reasonable price, especially since the Moonbird is a one-time payment. There’s no subscription required, which is hard to find these days. Most apps charge a subscription fee after you purchase the device, so that was a huge selling point for me.

Moonbird offers free returns and a full refund within the first 30 days. A two-year warranty protects against manufacturer defects. You can buy it on the Moonbird website or Amazon.

What was it like using Moonbird?

I’ve tried a lot of sleep and anxiety apps over the years. The Moonbird impressed me in a way I didn’t expect. I will say that it took me a while to get used to. The Moonbird is wrapped in smooth silicone, which didn’t feel natural at first, especially since the thumb sensor is surrounded by regular plastic. I got used to the way it feels, and now I barely notice it.

I enjoyed using the device once I got used to how it felt in my hand. I can’t say for sure that it helped reduce my anxiety. I used the Moonbird before a couple of important interviews for a story, and while I was still anxious, the physical symptoms of my anxiety were less. Every time I used it, I felt relaxed.

Moonbird App Moonbird App

Each session tracks your BPM, HRV and consistency

Moon bird

Now, besides focusing on what the device told me to do, there’s a reason I felt more relaxed, even when I was anxious. The magic of Moonbird is based on science. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, the equivalent of the sympathetic nervous system, or the fight-or-flight response. When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, your body responds by relaxing. In addition to calming your body down to baseline levels, it will also lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

I also used the Moonbird to help me fall asleep faster on my last trip to our mattress warehouse in Reno. I’m notorious for having a hard time falling asleep in hotels, especially after long flights. So I was glad I had the Moonbird with me. It helped me focus my mind on my breathing instead of letting it run wild and keep me awake all night.

For me, the best experience with the Moonbird was when I was completely focused on my breathing. I found that I would get distracted when I tried to use it in the office when there were other things to distract me. Or even just watching TV. For me, it was something I had to focus on completely. The Moonbird is designed to be easy to slip into a bag and use on the go. I just couldn’t concentrate well enough to get the benefits when I was out and about.

Overall, I liked Moonbird. There are a few things that are worth mentioning in more detail.

The application stores data about your session

While you don’t have to use the app, the Moonbird app is easy to use. You have to connect the Moonbird every time you open the app, but a quick shake of the device ensures it’s on and connected.

The sessions are divided by purpose: sleep, stress, anxiety, HRV download, and kids. I will mention that the app does not tell you which block is a breathing session and which is educational content. You don’t know until you click on it. It would be nice if there was an indicator on the block so you don’t click through them all while learning how to use the app.

The app stores session data. You can view stats by heart rate variability, heart rate, or session. Moonbird graphically presents data in weekly, monthly, half-year, or yearly views. Most other apps do this, so it was nice to see it in Moonbird.

There is a lot of educational context

Moonbird App Moonbird App

Moonbird offers a variety of breathing sessions to choose from.

Moon bird

Another thing about the Moonbird app that impressed me was the amount of educational content. An anxiety app is nothing without context. The best apps have a ton of tutorials and educational content to help people figure out how things work. With Moonbird, it wasn’t just about how the device works; you were given context about what it was measuring and why it mattered, like heart rate variability or biofeedback. You got that content through both written and guided audio sessions.

Audio Guided Sessions

I was easily distracted when I first started using Moonbird, which disrupted my breathing. I found it much easier to focus on my breathing during the audio guided session.

Guided meditations aren’t always my favorite, but I’ve found Moonbird’s guided sessions to be one of the better options I’ve tried. The speaker does everything you’d expect: speaks slowly and clearly, explaining the importance of deep breathing. But he doesn’t stop there. During the multi-step session, which is led by a clinical psychologist, you get information about what’s happening in your body and why. For example, I enjoyed a specific session on stress reduction. While my Moonbird breathed into my hand, the speaker explained what stress is psychologically and how it affects the body. Stopping stress and anxiety is one thing; understanding why it’s happening is another level of empowerment that can help people cope with their symptoms.

Is Moonbird worth the price?

I can’t prove or disprove Moonbird’s claims that participants felt 81% more rested and slept 78% better, but I did enjoy using it. I wouldn’t say it’s a device everyone should have. To me, it’s one of those cool gadgets that can easily break during use if you’re not fully committed.

If you live with anxiety and want a touchscreen device to help you through periods when your symptoms are worse, the Moonbird is worth the money. It’s a great device. In my testing, I found it most helpful at night when I couldn’t clear my mind enough to fall asleep.