
Geothermal energy could soon heat or cool up to 180 homes in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood

CHICAGO— Many people associate geothermal energy with volcanoes, hot springs and geysers, but the technology can be used in many ways and in many places, including here in Chicago.

Local nonprofit Blacks in Green (BIG) is working to bring clean, affordable energy to the low-income West Woodlawn neighborhood on the city’s South Side.

In addition to being a historic site in West Woodlawn, Emmett The Mamie Till-Mobley House Museum may soon go down in history in a different way – as part of a network of homes cooled and heated by geothermal technology.

“Geothermal energy is one of many ways to generate heat and light without burning out our planet and our people, so it’s green energy,” said Naomi Davis, founder and CEO of Blacks and Green.

BIG received a $747,000 grant to design a geothermal program in its community.

Geothermal energy is energy drawn from the ground. If approved, BIG would use side streets to build a network of pipes that could potentially connect up to 180 homes.

In Chicago, the temperature 6 feet below the surface is a constant 51 degrees Fahrenheit year-round, according to Nuri Madina, square mile sustainability director at BIG.

“We’re able to bring that 51-degree water to the surface through vertical wells and then pump it through horizontal pipes,” Madina said. “If the temperature is 51 degrees, that water is going to be significantly warmer than 32 degrees outside. And if it’s 80 degrees in the summer, that water is going to be significantly cooler than 80 degrees inside.”

The renewable energy would then be collected from the back of the house and transmitted through existing ducts.

“Once it gets into the basement, there will be heat pumps or other renewable energy devices,” Madina explained. “The difference is that instead of bringing in natural gas and burning natural gas, toxic fumes and emissions, we will bring in clean energy.”

BIG is working to educate the community about geothermal energy, which is a more sustainable and less expensive technology. BIG estimates savings of up to 70% on utility bills.

The West Woodlawn resident said she learned about the pilot program at an informational meeting that BIG holds every fourth Tuesday.

“I was really curious to see what this was all about and how it could help me and my family find ways and solutions to reduce our energy costs,” Richardson said.

Cleaner, greener and cheaper – BIG and the community hope their geothermal technology project will attract the attention of other communities across the country and around the world.

“They’ll be able to see first-hand how a black neighborhood can implement really robust technology to save money, make it flexible and adapt to the types of housing and the way people in the community live,” Davis said.

A decision on approving the pilot program could be made as early as November.

This article is part of our Climate Ready series – a collaboration between ABC News and ABC member stations to provide practical solutions to help you and your family adapt to extreme weather events and the ongoing challenges of climate change.

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