
Revolutionize Your Fitness Goals with BetterMe Health

SUMMER is finally here, but it’s not too late to make health changes that will help you improve your fitness and achieve some of your fitness goals.

Thousands of people use BetterMe Health Coaching to improve their health and well-being with a comprehensive list of tools and valuable resources.

Use BetterMe to achieve your health goals


Use BetterMe to achieve your health goalsSource: BetterMe

Try BetterMe Health Coaching

Whether your goal is to lose weight, improve your overall fitness, or adopt a healthier lifestyle, BetterMe is a comprehensive health app designed to support you every step of the way.

The app offers over 3,000 different workouts to choose from and is designed for every fitness level. Whether you’re just starting out or a regular exerciser looking for a change, you can relax with it.

From wall pilates and calisthenics to somatic exercises and fasting programs, BetterMe offers a wide range of healthy steps to keep your fitness routine and diet fresh and interesting.

Each workout is designed to be effective, yet easy enough to fit into your everyday lifestyle.

For example, if you’re interested in wall pilates, this program features easy-to-follow exercises that only require a wall to perform, and the movements are perfect for building muscle strength and endurance.

In addition to its extensive exercise library, BetterMe offers comprehensive health management with healthy meal plans and calorie and water tracking tools so you can easily monitor your daily food and drink intake.

Use the app to track your food and drink intake


Use the app to track your food and drink intakeSource: BetterMe

Another highlight of the program is the BetterMe Fasting Regime, which allows you to easily manage your fasting periods, helping you break free from mindless snacking or overeating with a customized fasting period that fits your schedule.

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One of BetterMe’s standout features is personalized online coaching available 24/7.

This service provides tailored guidance and support from certified trainers who are available exactly when you need them.

The coaching feature is incredibly useful if you want to lose weight, as it offers personalized strategies and motivational support to help you achieve your goals.

With a user base of 150 million, BetterMe is a trusted choice for anyone looking to make a positive and healthy impact on their life.

The combination of balanced nutritional information, practical exercise plans and one-on-one coaching makes it easier than ever to start your health journey.

Discover BetterMe and join the millions of users who have already made it a key step towards their health and well-being.

What I Learned as a Physical Therapist Using the BetterMe Fitness App

Lucy Gornall, our freelance health and fitness journalist and personal trainer, tested the BetterMe app.

Here are her thoughts on the portable health advice app and whether it reveals the secret to healthier living…

I’m already very active and eat relatively healthy (apart from wine, chocolate, and double tequila on the weekends), but I was curious what a health advice app might look like.

BetterMe is a comprehensive tool that allows you to assess your attitude, fitness, diet and overall physical activity.

I would say it’s great for people who need some guidance and encouragement, but if you’re an active person and eat a balanced diet, I don’t think you’ll need it.

One of BetterMe’s standout features is the ability to connect to a smart tracker.

Throughout the day I was reminded to exercise, keep an eye on my lunch, and check my water intake… It was like having a trainer on my wrist.

The app offers thousands of workouts, and the workout section is a joy to browse (I’m particularly interested in this since I’m a loud and proud gym lover).

Overall, my answer is YES.

BetterMe is a great tool for anyone looking to stay accountable and improve their overall health and well-being.

I will say though, as with any health and wellness program, YOU have to put in the effort.

No app will make you fitter or lose weight.

You can check out the full version of Lucy BetterMe review here.