
Florida Senators Rubio, Scott Introduce Bill to Combat AI Threats from Hostile Nations

Florida Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott
Florida Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a critical front in the technology race between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, with Beijing aggressively promoting its AI components and software to Western companies, aiming to integrate its products into the global economy.

If successful, this strategy could enable China to gather intelligence and steal valuable intellectual property from countries that oppose its goals. The United States and its government contractors cannot afford to take the national security risks associated with using Chinese AI products and services.

To address this, U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Rick Scott (R-FL), and John Barrasso (R-WY) have introduced the Artificial Intelligence Acquisitions Act. The bill would prohibit the U.S. government and its private contractors from acquiring or using AI products from hostile nations.

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“America is not ready for the era of AI-based national security threats. How we navigate this terrain will have profound implications for decades to come. Communist China’s heavy investment in AI poses a grave national security risk, and the United States must have a plan to protect our country on this front. My AI Acquisition Act would ensure that the federal government and its private sector contractors do not use AI designed by China, Russia, or other adversaries,” said Senator Rubio.

“It’s no secret that communist China is working to destroy America and our way of life—and Xi will use any tool necessary, including artificial intelligence, to do it. The threat from Chinese technology poses a massive economic security and national security vulnerability to the United States, and as our armed forces train to continue to be the most lethal fighting force on the planet, decisive action must be taken to prevent adversaries from stealing critical data or contaminating our systems. We must stop the federal government from compromising our security by using technology that is linked to our adversaries, and I urge my colleagues to support this important bill,” Senator Scott added.

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“The United States faces intense global competition around artificial intelligence (AI). Bad actors like Russia and China are finding new ways to influence U.S. policy using AI to increase their military and economic power around the world. The federal government cannot fall into the traps of our enemies. We cannot allow the Chinese Communist Party or any adversary to seize our valuable research and technology. Our bill will ensure that the United States and private sector companies do not use AI that threatens our national security,” said Senator Barrasso.

Key provisions of the act on the acquisition of artificial intelligence

  • Ban on Hostile AIThe act prohibits the U.S. government and its private contractors from acquiring or using AI-based products and services from hostile countries.
  • List of restricted AI products:The Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology, in coordination with the Federal Acquisitions Security Council, will establish and update a list of artificial intelligence products and services from countries of concern, including China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and Syria.
  • Sales Requirements:Companies doing business with the U.S. government will have two years to divest from products deemed a security risk.

The AI ​​Acquisition Act aims to ensure the security of the United States from threats from hostile states, protecting both national security and economic interests.

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