
RO Startup Ecosystem Players Join Umbrella Organization

ROStartup Ecosystem, the umbrella organization representing the national startup ecosystem in Romania, has been officially established.

The organization aims to “unify strategies, streamline communication and increase impact through synergies created between ecosystem organizations,” the release reads.

The ROStartup ecosystem has 15 founding members, including investment funds, startup support organizations and accelerator programs: Growceanu, TechAngels Romania, Activize, Freshblood, ADR Nord-Est / Rubik Hub, Innovation Labs, How To Web, Make IT in Oradea, Impact Hub Bucharest, Cluj Startups, Timișoara Startups, Iceberg, Spherik Accelerator, Transilvania IT Cluster, ADR Nord-Vest.

The board of the association includes Bianca Muntean (co-founder and manager of the Transilvania IT Cluster), David Achim (executive director of Make IT in Oradea), Mircea Vădan (managing partner of Activize), Răzvan Crăciunescu (vice dean of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies at the POLITEHNICA University in Bucharest), Vlad Craioveanu (co-founder and CEO of Impact Hub Bucharest), Andrei Cosmin Munteanu (co-founder and CEO of Cowork Timișoara).

Vlad Gliga is the president of the association and Adina Simionescu is the CEO of ROStartup.

Other organizations will soon have the opportunity to join as members, and all updates will be announced on the ROStartup Ecosystem website.

The association has been allocated a budget through the Smart Growth, Digitization, and Financial Instruments Program (PoCIDIF). This budget will be channeled through public calls to increase capacity and strengthen the impact of programs run by organizations in the ecosystem, ROStartup said.

(Photo: association)

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