
Improved regulations to facilitate import of medicines and equipment into Guangdong

A statement by the Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress on Wednesday detailed new regulations aimed at easing the import of medicines and medical equipment from Hong Kong and Macau to cities in Guangdong. The changes will take effect in December.

The regulations propose creating rules to ensure consistent management of important medicines and equipment coming from Hong Kong and Macau, establishing systems to quickly notify, recall and track these goods when necessary, and clarifying how different departments will regulate them.

More changes include improving the relief system and introducing insurance mechanisms to ease the financial burden on patients who urgently need medicines and equipment. Insurance institutions will be encouraged to develop plans covering medicines and equipment with optimized compensation procedures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of patients.

The regulations also promote the addition of essential medicines and equipment from Hong Kong and Macao to general health insurance plans and support the use of personal basic medical insurance accounts to purchase this type of health insurance.

At the end of June, Guangdong gave permission to 19 medical facilities to import medicines, medical equipment and instruments from Hong Kong and Macau.

The statement said the variety of imported drugs, devices and instruments has been expanded to 67 (including 34 drugs and 33 medical devices), which will benefit more than 7,000 patients and effectively meet the society’s urgent clinical needs for drugs and equipment.

Meanwhile, the Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress also passed legislation to lower the entrepreneurship and employment thresholds for Hong Kong and Macao residents who want to succeed in nine GBA cities in Guangdong province.