
Discovering Dark Oxygen: Deep-Sea Discoveries Challenge Scientific Assumptions

The discovery of “dark oxygen,” oxygen produced deep beneath the sea’s surface, sheds light on the potential dangers of deep-sea metal and mineral mining. Many have been reported before dispute on plans to internationally approve deep-water mining activities to meet growing demand for key minerals, and a recent discovery shows how little we know about marine ecosystems.

An international team of researchers recently discovered that oxygen is produced by the production of potato-shaped metallic nodules deep beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean. In July, their findings, which cast doubt on the concept of oxygen production, were published in the journal Nature Geosciencenal. The discovery could lead to reconsideration of the origins of complex life on Earth.

The research, led by Professor Andrew Sweetman of the Scottish Association for Marine Science in the UK, shows that oxygen is produced at a depth of around 4,000 metres below the ocean surface in complete darkness. This contradicts previous scientific assumptions that only living organisms, including plants and algae, can harness energy to produce oxygen through photosynthesis, using sunlight to react.

Sweet man explained“For oxygenic life to have arisen on a planet, there had to be oxygen, and our knowledge was that the supply of oxygen to Earth began with photosynthetic organisms.” He added: “But now we know that oxygen is produced in the deep sea, where there is no light. I think we need to reconsider questions like: where could oxygenic life have begun?”

The team made the discovery during a field study between Hawaii and Mexico to assess the potential effects of deep-sea mining. Samples of seafloor nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton zone were found to contain a “very high” electrical charge that could support seawater electrolysis to split seawater into hydrogen and oxygen. Sweetman says the nodules appear to be “basically batteries in rock.”

The new understanding of how oxygen is produced suggests the need for more research, with particular attention to the largely unexplored seabed. It also highlights how little we know about the underwater ecosystem and questions the viability of deep-sea mining plans. Many argue that we need to start deep-sea mining to provide key minerals needed to power a global green transition to reduce the effects of climate change. However, many environmentalists and scientists are wary of starting invasive undersea operations without fully understanding the potential environmental impacts of deep-sea mining. While deep-sea mining can provide much-needed supplies of minerals needed for renewable energy devices, electric vehicle batteries and clean technologies, it could create other environmental problems in the future.

The International Seabed Authority (ISA), the UN regulatory body overseeing deep-sea mining, is currently in the process of developing mining regulations as more countries and companies show interest in developing new projects. The seabed is home to a wealth of potato-sized nuggets of key minerals, including cobalt, nickel, copper and manganese, which many believe are essential to powering the green transition. In January, Norway became the first country to approve practice of deep-sea mining for critical minerals. However, it will not immediately begin new mining projects; instead, the government will evaluate mining companies’ proposals on a case-by-case basis for licensing approval. The likelihood of new deep-sea mining operations in the coming years has put pressure on the ISA to develop international mining regulations to protect the seabed and marine life.

However, in recent months, there has been a great deal of controversy surrounding the leadership of the ISA, as current ISA Secretary General Michael Lodge is running against his opponent, Leticia Carvalho, for another term in the post. Whoever takes over for the next term will have significant influence over the regulation of deep-sea mining. While Lodge strongly supports the establishment of regulations to allow the project to proceed, Carvalho believes that more time is needed to understand the potential implications of deep-sea mining before appropriate regulations can be established. Supporters of each candidate have accused the other of trying to influence the election by offering to pay to cover the travel costs of delegates and pay outstanding delegation membership fees fees. Since defaulting countries do not have a vote, this could affect the outcome.

The ISA’s structure is already under scrutiny following numerous complaints about its current leadership and the upcoming election of its Secretary General. The ISA is responsible for ensuring the protection of the undersea ecosystem, with some member states set to benefit from new mining operations and others concerned about the impact of mining on their seas and lands. The recent discovery of “dark oxygen” is putting more pressure on the ISA to conduct further fieldwork to better understand the potential impact of deep-sea mining and potentially halt any new projects until they are more certain of its effects.

By Felicity Bradstock for

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