
Analyst says chances of Nvidia losing antitrust investigation are unlikely – Computerworld

According to Bickley, everything about the antitrust investigation is “more hype than substance at this point because, number one, semiconductors are the most volatile sector in the stock market. (Nvidia CEO) Jensen Huang knows full well that this wave that they’re riding at the end of the day is going to peak and crash, and it’s going to crash violently when it does. They’re squeezing everything they can out of a short runway and trying to extend it as much as possible.”

As for the Justice Department, he said, “if you have high-profile names complaining, they will look at it, but under the Biden administration, the department has been incredibly ineffective in almost every antitrust action it has taken. Just because they are looking at it doesn’t mean they are going to do anything about it.”

“(By the time) they do something about it and the time it takes to resolve it, that cycle has already peaked, in my opinion. The money has already been made, the damage has already been done. … The truth is we’re talking about an anti-competitive investigation into a product for which there really is no competition.”