
Rithm Capital Preferreds Stock Update: D, Now Rated A Buy (NYSE:RITM)

For sale sign in front of house

Martin Barraud


It’s been nine months since I last looked at the preferred stocks issued by Rithm Capital Corporation (NYSE:RITM).Andit’s time to see if it’s still the best of the four remaining

Factor AND B C D
Released 25.06.19 8/8/19 2/11/20 09/13/21
Size 5.4 million 10m 14m 17 million
Coupon 7.50% 7.125% 6.375% 7.000%
Price 25.11 PLN 25.00 PLN $23.81 23.14 PLN
Give 7.45% 7.125% 6.69% 7.52%
Date of connection 15.08.24 15.08.24 15.02.25 15.11.26
YTC * * 16.0% 10.7%
Formula 3 months SOFR +2616% +5.802% 3 months SOFR+.2616% +5.640% 3 months SOFR+.2616% +4.969% 5 years UST +6.223%