
My PS5 is flashing blue: how do I fix this problem?

Is your PlayStation 5 flashing blue and not turning on properly? This issue, often called the “blue light of death,” can be alarming, but there are solutions to fix it. Follow this guide to identify the cause and bring your console back to life.

Possible causes of the problem

This flashing blue light can appear in a variety of scenarios. Here we will summarize the most common ones.

  1. Storing unnecessary or corrupted files:The presence of unnecessary files or corrupted data can lead to incorrect configurations saved on the PS5 console, which in turn can cause startup issues.
  2. Video mode or resolution issues: Incompatibility or poor support between PS5 and display (TV/monitor) may be causing the issue. The culprit may be video output (resolution) or HDCP mode.
  3. Faulty HDMI port or cable:The issue may be with the HDMI port (on the PS5 console or TV) or the cable itself, which can lead to communication errors between devices.
  4. Faulty graphics card or HDMI chip: The GPU or HDMI chip may be overheating, which can lead to display issues. If overheating issues persist, it is recommended to contact Sony customer support.
  5. Faulty solder joints under APU: The APU (Accelerated Processing Unit) on the PS5 motherboard is dedicated to hardware acceleration. As with the GPU and HDMI chip, hardware issues like this may require assistance from Sony’s PlayStation Support.

Fixing problems in safe mode

This flashing blue light or Blue Light of Death is mostly caused by corrupted files in the internal storage and Safe Mode can be very useful to fix the problem. In most cases, if you have no hardware faults, this will work.

To enter Safe Mode, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off your PS5 completelyPress and hold the power button for about 10-15 seconds until the device turns off.
  2. Press and hold the power button to turn on your PS5You should hear an initial beep, followed by a second beep after a few seconds, after which you can release the power button.
  3. The Safe Mode welcome screen should appear on your TV screenTo navigate, you must connect the controller via USB and press the PlayStation button.

Safe Mode offers 7 different options. For the flashing blue light issue, options “6: Reset PS5” and “7: Reset PS5 (Reinstall System Software)” have proven effective in this regard in the PlayStation 5 community. If a simple reset (option 6) doesn’t resolve the issue, opt for a system reinstall (option 7). However, be sure to back up your data to the PlayStation Plus cloud if you decide to do the latter.

In some cases, option “5: Rebuild Database” can help by removing unnecessary or corrupt files. Finally, if the problem is with video, option “2: Change Video Output” can help resolve incompatibility issues that may be causing the Blue Light of Death.

Hardware Troubleshooting

There are other cases where Safe Mode may not help or may simply not appear. If you suspect a hardware issue, a few steps may help resolve the issue if it’s not too serious. Before contacting Sony PlayStation Support, try the following solutions:

  1. Reconnect all your connections. Power your PS5 off completely and carefully unplug/replug your entire setup before restarting.
  2. Use a different HDMI cable or try a different HDMI port. As a precaution, always keep HDMI ports clean by using compressed air and avoid kinking or wearing out the cable.
  3. Try your PS5 on another screen. If the issue is due to your display configuration, try connecting your console to another monitor, such as a computer screen, to see if the issue persists.
  4. Give your console some air. If it overheats, let your PS5 cool down. If possible, try to provide better ventilation in your hardware to avoid the risk of overheating.

Finally, a handy tip: avoid using Rest Mode. Crashes, black screens, overheating – the PS5 community has reported a lot of issues related to this standby mode. Instead of using Rest Mode, always completely turn off your PS5 to help it cool down and ensure the longevity of its components.


If the issue persists after trying these steps, it is recommended to contact Sony Support or seek professional help. Have you encountered this issue before? Share your solutions in the comments!

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