
Top 5 Most Successful Startups Backed by Nasscom’s Gen AI Foundry Program

Nasscom’s Generative AI Foundry program supports some of the most promising AI startups in India, catalyzing their growth and innovation. Here are five in-depth success stories showcasing their innovative solutions and extraordinary journeys.


UnitedWeCare is tackling the global mental health crisis by addressing the projected $16 trillion cost to the global economy by 2030 due to mental health issues. Their flagship product, Stella, is a 24/7 psychological first aid companion available in 29 languages ​​that aims to provide pre-clinical and sub-clinical support. UnitedWeCare also developed the first vertical Large Language Model for mental health, achieving 23 world records in Natural Language Inference (NLI), including a 94.7 FI score in SNLI. Their comprehensive 360° mental health product integrates tools for screening, clinical management, self-management, and relapse management, providing a holistic approach to mental health. Clinicians benefit from a clinical co-pilot system that increases efficiency by handling administrative tasks. Since its inception in 2020, UnitedWeCare has expanded across the United States, India, and Australia, working with Medicare and Medicaid to improve access to mental health support. is a platform that addresses the challenges content creators face in generating backing tracks. Founded by musicians Mansoor and Siddharth, uses AI to create music based on genre and emotion data, evolving to include lyrics, video, and audio cues. Despite a difficult funding climate in 2023, they secured $1.3 million in pre-seed funding and have grown a user base of over one million creators, producing two million tracks. The nasscom GenAI Foundry program has played a key role in their growth, providing mentorship and networking opportunities that have fueled their innovation and commitment to ethical data sourcing.


GoCodeo revolutionizes software testing by solving the problem of high post-production defect costs and rates. Their AI agent enables early testing using an ensemble of large language models (LLMs) for unit, integration, regression, and penetration testing, seamlessly integrating into developer workflows. Since its inception, GoCodeo has grown to serve 16,000 developers and 150 companies worldwide. Nasscom’s support has been instrumental, providing expert briefings, market preparation, and investor outreach that have fueled GoCodeo’s growth and success. is transforming social media advertising by solving inefficiencies and high costs. Their Generative AI platform creates ad copy and targets audiences, with deep API integrations for seamless ad launch and optimization. Their in-house AI Optimizer provides real-time campaign adjustments, reducing ad spend waste by 90% and doubling return on ad spend (ROAS). Trusted by over 1,000 brands and agencies in over 25 countries,’s growth has been significantly supported by the nasscom GenAI Foundry program, which provided key introductions and technical sessions to improve their backend architecture and drive innovation.

AI Porthole

Portkey AI was founded to revolutionize AI operations with a comprehensive AI control panel that provides observability, security, quality of results, control management, and AI governance. Despite initial slow adoption, Portkey AI now manages over 400 production deployments, including several Fortune 500 clients. The nasscom GenAI Foundry program provided invaluable mentoring and industry connections, enabling Portkey AI to refine its product and strategy, attract potential customers, and navigate the rapidly evolving AI industry.


Nasscom’s Generative AI Foundry program has played a key role in the growth and success of these startups by providing the necessary resources, mentorship, and industry connections. Nasscom is helping these companies lead in AI innovation and positioning India as a global leader in AI.