
NZ Opts Out of Joint Infant Formula Standard, Will Implement Own Regulations

New Zealand will not adopt the joint Australia-New Zealand infant formula standard, according to Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard. Following Cabinet discussions, the decision was made to establish a separate New Zealand standard over the next five years.

“We sought a review of the new labeling requirements, but unfortunately, our Australian counterparts were unable to accommodate these changes,” Minister Hoggard explained. “As a result, New Zealand will proceed with its own standard. Our priority is ensuring that infant formula remains safe and that consumers can make informed choices based on accurate labels.”

The decision stems from New Zealand’s request for modifications to two specific aspects of the standard related to labeling restrictions, which were deemed unsuitable for the New Zealand context. Despite this, the majority of the joint standard is considered beneficial and supported by the industry.

“The Government is committed to the success of the Joint Food System and continues to work towards food standards harmonisation,” Minister Hoggard added.