
North Dakota law enforcement deploys roadside drug testing devices

FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – Law enforcement officers across North Dakota will soon be equipped with mobile testing devices that will detect if a driver is under the influence of drugs.

Starting this fall, up to 40 law enforcement agencies will begin training officers to use the SoToxa oral liquid device. Similar to a breathalyzer test, the SoToxa test can be administered as a screening tool after an officer suspects a driver is impaired. The oral fluid sample will help the officer determine what may be causing the impairment.

In a roadside pilot program in North Dakota from January 2022 to July 2023, oral fluid samples tested positive for at least one drug 83% of the time, with marijuana (THC) identified in 51% of the cases.

“The pilot program confirmed what had previously been anecdotal evidence from law enforcement; drivers using impairing substances other than alcohol on North Dakota roadways,” said DRE State Coordinator Trooper Tarek Chase. “46 percent of samples from the pilot program tested positive for two or more drugs, which clearly demonstrates the need for law enforcement to have the tools to identify drugged driving in order to get these drivers off the road.”

Authorities say the device can detect the presence of a number of drugs, including marijuana (THC), benzodiazepines, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines and opiates.

To combat drunk and drugged driving, law enforcement agencies across the state will participate in Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over from August 16 to September 2.

Learn more about road safety initiatives at