
Ukraine’s MFA responds to Mali’s statement on breaking off diplomatic relations

Ukraine rejects the accusations of the Transitional Government of Mali of alleged “Ukrainian support for international terrorism” and reserves the right to take all necessary political and diplomatic measures in response to hostile actions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced this in a statement, Ukrinform reports.

“The decision of the Transitional Government of the Republic of Mali to break off diplomatic relations with Ukraine is short-sighted and hasty… Ukraine unconditionally respects the norms of international law, the inviolability of sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states and resolutely rejects the accusations of the Transitional Government of Mali of alleged ‘support of Ukraine for international terrorism,’” the MFA said.

The MFA stressed that it was Ukraine in the 20th century, being one of the founders of the United Nations, that actively supported the right of African nations to independence and decolonization, including the Republic of Mali. Instead, the Russian Federation, continuing its unprovoked, full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine, is destroying the architecture of international security, violating the Goals and Principles of the UN Charter, which, in particular, guarantee the right of African countries to a free future, the MFA noted.

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“Unfortunately, the Transitional Government of the Republic of Mali has decided to break off diplomatic relations with Ukraine without conducting a thorough investigation of the facts and circumstances of the incident in northern Mali and without providing any evidence of Ukraine’s involvement in this event. At the same time, it ignores the fact that the Kremlin-controlled military structures, including Wagner, use terrorist methods and are directly involved in numerous war crimes, killings of civilians and ill-treatment of prisoners of war both in Ukraine and in African countries,” the statement reads.

In this context, the MFA stressed that Ukraine reserves the right to take all necessary political and diplomatic measures in response to the unfriendly actions of the Transitional Government of the Republic of Mali.

The Malian government has reportedly announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Ukraine over its alleged support for the actions of Tuareg rebels who recently defeated a convoy of Malian soldiers and Russian mercenaries from the Wagner Group.