
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Reducing Energy Wastage

The manufacturing sector is at a crossroads, facing growing energy demands and increasing environmental pressures. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), as much as 60 percent of the energy produced is wasted, indicating a critical inefficiency that must be addressed. With U.S. energy consumption set to grow by 2.5 percent in 2024 alone, manufacturers should look for innovative solutions to reduce waste and use this wide margin of optimization to lower energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions.

The emergence of AI offers a huge opportunity to solve our energy problems. AI-based solutions are powerful tools that can increase energy efficiency and drive sustainability in manufacturing. Here’s how AI can have a significant impact:

Increasing operational efficiency

AI technologies have the potential to transform how manufacturers manage energy use in their operations. By deploying AI-based systems to monitor and optimize energy-intensive processes such as HVAC systems, water treatment, and industrial heating, manufacturers can achieve significant energy savings. These AI systems leverage real-time data and advanced algorithms to provide actionable insights, enabling precise adjustments that reduce energy waste and minimize carbon emissions.

For example, AI-powered predictive maintenance recommendations can identify potential equipment failures before they occur, ensuring that machines operate at peak efficiency and have extended service life. This proactive approach not only saves energy, but also reduces operational downtime and maintenance costs. AI can also be used to optimize production schedules, ensuring that machines and systems operate only when needed, further reducing energy consumption.

Balancing energy demand and supply

AI is excellent at analyzing vast amounts of data to forecast energy demand with great accuracy. By examining historical usage patterns, market trends, and external factors like weather conditions, AI systems can predict fluctuations in demand and optimize energy sourcing strategies. This ability allows manufacturers to more effectively balance energy supply and demand, and can even help integrate renewable energy sources, helping us reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Optimizing the energy mix of renewables and fossil fuels is critical for manufacturers looking to reduce their environmental footprint. AI-powered solutions can recommend the most efficient use of energy sources, helping companies achieve net-zero emissions goals while minimizing costs. AI can also assist with demand-response programs, where energy use is adjusted based on grid conditions, preventing congestion and ensuring a stable energy supply.

Facilitating the transition to renewable energy

The transition to renewable energy is essential for long-term sustainability, but it comes with challenges, including infrastructure constraints and regulatory hurdles. AI solutions can streamline this transformation by providing insight into grid management, renewable energy integration, and energy storage solutions. By analyzing the grid topology and identifying optimal renewable integration points, AI helps manufacturers navigate the complexities of adopting clean energy technologies.

In addition, AI-based analytics can improve the management of renewable energy systems by ensuring efficient energy distribution and storage. This optimizes the use of solar, wind and other renewable energy sources, making them more cost-effective and profitable for industrial applications. AI can also support the development of microgrids that enable local energy generation and consumption, further increasing energy resilience and sustainability.

Increasing Sustainability and Profitability with AI

To fully realize the benefits of AI in energy management, a holistic approach is needed, spanning the entire production process and supply chain. But the reward is worth it—by integrating AI into multiple aspects of energy management, from monitoring and optimization to strategic planning and decision-making, manufacturers can reduce energy costs and consumption—a win-win situation.

It is obvious that when implementing complex projects, it is necessary to assess the benefits and return on investment, which will depend on the process, the intensity of energy consumption at individual stages, operating conditions, the degree of automation, the load of machines with the highest energy consumption, the energy used (and in some cases also produced) and energy prices and their fluctuations.

One of the key benefits of AI is its ability to provide a comprehensive view of an organization’s energy usage. By collecting and analyzing data from a variety of sources, AI can identify inefficiencies and recommend targeted improvements. This allows manufacturers to implement energy-saving measures tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.

Large-scale AI adoption also allows manufacturers to align their sustainability goals with business profitability. AI-based energy efficiency measures increase resilience and market competitiveness. As manufacturing moves toward an all-electric, sustainable future, AI will play a major role in driving this transformation.

By leveraging AI capabilities, manufacturers can address energy waste, reduce emissions, and pave the way for a sustainable, efficient, and profitable future. This requires a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation, as well as a willingness to adopt new technologies and approaches.

It’s nothing new for manufacturers to collaborate with stakeholders across the value chain, including suppliers, customers, and regulators. This time, AI-powered insights can help them become true influencers and ensure their sustainability efforts are aligned, supported, and distributed across the value chain. Switching to clean energy not only helps protect the environment, but also increases business profitability. As we move toward a more sustainable future, AI will be an essential tool in taking performance to the next level.