
Democrats Promise to Save ‘Democracy,’ Destroy Supreme Court

It is difficult to make a substantive case against the Democrats’ proposal to “reform” the Supreme Court because everyone knows it is just a cynical ploy to undermine the legitimacy of both the court and the Constitution.

Ask yourself: Would any Democrat support the president’s plan to fill the Supreme Court if he believed Republicans would win both houses of Congress and the presidential election?

Of course not. It’s Calvinball from start to finish.

And that’s a court-packing plan. Unconstitutional. You can imagine that the term “court-packing” didn’t go over well with the public, so President Joe Biden — or whoever’s currently in charge of the White House — signed off on the plan through the back door.

Limiting Supreme Court justices’ terms to 18 years would very conveniently turn the 6-3 majority in favor of the original into a 6-3 majority in favor of a “living, breathing document” that would overturn many recent decisions and ratify a host of federal abuses.

One could argue that this is all just an election stunt, since the chances of passing a reform package are slim to none. That is not the point. The left has normalized the notion that the Supreme Court is both illegitimate and corrupt if it does not bend to the will of its partisans.

After all, none of the left’s objections rest on anything resembling a legal argument. The whole case centers on the specious idea that the court fails because it fails to follow the Democrats’ political vision. The left doesn’t even pretend to care about the neutrality of the law, much less the law itself. The modern leftist is a consequentialist without any limiting principles.

Speaking of authoritarian leaders, Vice President Kamala Harris says filling the Supreme Court is necessary because “there’s clearly a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court.” Is that so?

First, we’re here because of a decade-long attack on the institution, as wealthy progressive activist groups began to concoct fake scandals and launder them through fake journalistic operations.

The media can now slap the phrase “ethics-scandal-plagued” or other such nonsense on every mention of the court. If there is a crisis of confidence, it is because the left invented it.

Still, Gallup finds that 30% of Americans say they have “a lot/quite a bit” of confidence in the Supreme Court. That number has risen slightly over the past two years. Another 31% say they have “some” confidence in SCOTUS.

So let’s put aside that pesky Article 3 of the Constitution for a moment. If polls are an excuse to strip a branch of government of its independence, why would we allow Congress, with its 9% trust rating, to do so?

Judges already enforce the Code of Judicial Conduct. There is no evidence that any of them engaged in unethical conduct on the bench that personally benefited a third party, much less themselves. And there is no evidence that judges abandoned their long-held legal philosophies because they went on vacation with a wealthy friend or for any other reason.

It’s also worth remembering that Democrats have invented a slew of new standards to smear Clarence Thomas that they themselves would never have followed. Most of the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who are leading the charge to delegitimize the court have used their positions to enrich themselves, including Senators Dick Durbin, Richard Blumenthal, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Peter Welch.

On a side note, maybe the Supreme Court should develop ethics rules for Congress.

Democrats want to implement their code of ethics to create a system that will allow partisans — armed with the latest media nonsense — to smear judges in yet another congressional show trial and fake investigation.

Sorry, the Supreme Court is a coequal branch of government. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., can threaten justices, but they still don’t answer to him.

“What is happening now is not normal and undermines public confidence in court decisions, including those that affect personal liberties. Now we are facing a violation,” Biden said.

The president, whose family became rich thanks to shady mafia practices, enjoys a 26 percent trust rating in Gallup.

The media, deservedly, is at the bottom of the list. Americans actually have more trust in the Supreme Court than in public schools, unions, big business, banks or the criminal justice system.

The president is right to note that the Supreme Court has been abnormally upholding the Constitution in recent years. Even then, the majority vote was quite divergent. And the notion that texters are more in step with the left than the left is complete fantasy, as the last session of the Court showed.

Lifetime judicial appointments are supposed to protect the Supreme Court from the whims and fleeting pressures of political debate. This is what worries the left the most: the Supreme Court doing its job. If we knew exactly when the confirmation votes would take place, the process would turn into an even uglier partisan mess. This, I repeat, is exactly what the anti-norm leftist wants.

Indeed, the Democrats’ plan to cut the Supreme Court, the last functioning institution in the District of Columbia, is an attack on the constitutional order.


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