
How Raj Jaiswal is leading the AI-powered evolution in e-commerce and beyond

For example, many keyword-based search engines don’t understand semantics (i.e., they don’t understand the meaning of language) and have trouble finding relevant results if the search terms don’t perfectly match what’s in their system. When there’s no exact match, some systems return no results at all, frustrating users and potential customers.

Moreover, different people often describe the same products using different words. Some users make spelling mistakes or use too broad language. The result is the same: unoptimized search terms that cannot be processed by a primitive search engine.

Many e-commerce sites also fail to leverage user data to provide personalized search options. For example, every shopper has their own search habits, purchase history, and browsing patterns that could help tailor search results. However, without the ability to understand and leverage this data, online stores are unable to provide the personalized experiences that shoppers really want.