
Green Future for the Telecom Industry – Nigerian CommunicationWeek

According to a 2024 World Bank report, the information and communications technology (ICT) sector is responsible for at least 1.7% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

In the face of growing concerns about climate change and global warming, operators in the telecommunications sector must be aware of the impact of their activities on the environment and take responsible actions to limit the negative impact they may have on it.

Fortunately, many organizations in the industry have taken steps to implement ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) principles, realizing the need to implement policies and strategies focused on environmental sustainability.

British multinational telecommunications company Vodafone has unveiled a comprehensive climate transformation plan, hoping to achieve an absolute reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 90% across its global operations by 2040. To date, the company has been able to reduce the amount of energy required for each unit of data traffic on its network by 65% ​​less than it needed in 2020. Furthermore, from 2021, 100% of the grid electricity used in its operations across Europe will be combined with renewable energy sources.

In the United States of America, AT&T created the Climate Change Initiative (CCI), which is committed to promoting the use of smart climate solutions that leverage AT&T connectivity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The company is known as one of the largest corporate purchasers of renewable energy in the United States.

In the local telecommunications sector, MTN Nigeria has recognized its responsibility to protect the planet and consider the impact of its operations on the environment. As such, the telecommunications giant has taken active steps to ensure best practices for a sustainable future.

In 2021, MTN launched the Project Zero Initiative, in line with its long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and its overall carbon footprint. The organization has gradually transitioned from using high-emission energy sources to environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternatives.

According to its 2023 Sustainability Report, the company has implemented several energy efficiency measures, including the use of 5G and fiber optics using renewable energy sources in operations and sensitizing value chain actors to energy management and efficiency. These innovative steps have paid off significantly, as MTN achieved a 10.3% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2023 compared to 2021 emissions.

Scope 1 emissions, or emissions from energy sources directly used and controlled by MTN, decreased from 65,899 tCO2e in 2021 to 58,356 tCO2e in 2023. The telco was also able to manage emissions from its energy production sources, which contribute to Scope 2 emissions, reducing emissions from 44,196 tCO2e to 40,360 between 2021 and 2023. These reductions in Scope 1 and 2 emissions were achieved despite a 5.3% increase in MTN’s total energy consumption in 2023.

The telecommunications operator also took on the responsibility of sensitizing participants in its value chain to energy management and energy efficiency issues, as they are responsible for the scope 3 emissions that are most difficult to reduce.

Through the 2 to 1 SIM Registration Device Revival initiative, MTN has also been able to manage electronic waste, which also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. The initiative, which involves dismantling two devices to recover one, aims to divert 11,760 kg of electronic waste from landfill.

While MTN has made impressive progress towards its sustainability goals, they are only a fraction of what the company aims to achieve as it aims to be completely carbon neutral.

Speaking about MTN’s commitment to the planet and Project Zero, Chief Technical Officer, Mohammed Rufai, said: “With a focus on reducing our carbon footprint to achieve Net Zero by 2040, Project Zero exemplifies our commitment to sustainability and drives transformational change across all aspects of our operations. By prioritizing initiatives such as the deployment of renewable energy sources and the integration of green technologies, Project Zero helps us achieve our sustainability goals.”

Even as the telecoms firm moves toward expansion, it remains committed to its environmental sustainability goals. The company said its soon-to-launch data center will operate on environmentally friendly, low-emission energy sources and will eventually transition to zero-emission energy sources.

The telecommunications sector is a significant contributor to innovation and economic growth in the country. But it must also be a leader in environmental sustainability. With well-known organizations like MTN adopting eco-friendly practices, the industry can reduce its environmental footprint and contribute to a sustainable future.