
5 Simple Networking Tips for Manager Job Seekers

Finding a management position in today’s competitive job market can seem like a daunting task. Sometimes, just sending a few resumes to online job boards doesn’t yield results.

As a seasoned professional, you’ve likely built a valuable network of professional contacts throughout your career, and leveraging that network is a great way to bypass crowded job boards and connect with hiring managers directly.

Here are five simple networking tips that will help you land an exciting new role fast.

Use existing contacts

Your existing network is a treasure trove of opportunities and insights. Start by reaching out to former colleagues, mentors, and industry contacts. Let them know about your job search and the type of position you’re looking for.

Personal contacts can often be a source of information about unadvertised positions and confidential information about potential vacancies.

Consider setting up informal meetups, whether it’s a coffee date or a virtual chat, to reconnect and discuss your career aspirations. These interactions not only strengthen relationships, but also put you in the spotlight when opportunities arise.

If you are specific about what you are looking for, your contacts will be able to provide you with more relevant information and recommendations.

Attend executive meetings or industry events

Executive meetings, industry conferences, and professional events are great places to meet influential professionals and decision-makers. Attending these events allows you to keep up with industry trends, share your expertise, and expand your professional network.

You should also consider joining associations or clubs related to your industry. Membership in these organizations often provides access to exclusive networking events, webinars, and forums where you can interact with other like-minded professionals.

Volunteering to speak or organize events can also increase your visibility and credibility in your industry.

When attending such events, prepare a short presentation in which you briefly describe your competences and the value you bring. This will help you make an unforgettable impression on potential employers or colleagues.

Don’t hesitate to engage in conversations, ask insightful questions, and exchange business cards to build valuable relationships.

Build an online presence

In the digital age, a strong online presence is essential.

Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date and reflect your accomplishments and expertise. Also, be sure to regularly share industry knowledge, participate in relevant discussions, and connect with peers and leaders in your field.

Publishing articles or columns on platforms like LinkedIn Pulse can also help showcase your expertise and establish your position as a thought leader.

You can also increase your visibility by engaging with content posted by other industry professionals. This can catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers.

You may also consider setting up a professional website or blog where you can share your insights and showcase your portfolio, or joining forums and online communities related to your field where you can share valuable insights and engage in meaningful discussions.

In addition to LinkedIn, actively participating on X (formerly Twitter), especially in industry discussions, can help you reach a wider audience.

This will not only help you build your reputation, but also keep you up to date with the latest trends and opportunities in your industry.

Collaborate on projects

Collaborative projects are a great way to expand your network and showcase your skills.

Look for opportunities to work on initiatives, whether within your current organization or as a volunteer. These projects can range from industry research and white papers to community service and mentoring programs.

Collaborations not only expand your network, but also provide tangible examples of your skills and accomplishments. It’s a great way to demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, and project management skills to potential employers.

Look for opportunities to collaborate with other professionals on projects that align with your expertise. For example, co-authoring an industry report or participating in a panel discussion can increase your visibility and credibility.

This type of collaboration often leads to long-lasting professional relationships and opens the door to future opportunities.

Take the right steps

Maintaining and developing your network of contacts is just as important as building it.

Follow up with your contacts after meetings or events and express your gratitude for their time and insights. A quick email or LinkedIn message can help keep the connection alive.

You should also regularly update your network on your progress and any new developments in your job search. This will keep your contacts up to date and may encourage them to share relevant opportunities.

Showing appreciation and maintaining professional relationships can lead to long-term professional benefits, and timely follow-ups demonstrate your professionalism and sincere interest. A well-crafted follow-up message can make a lasting impression and make you memorable.

Be persistent but polite, and always strive to communicate in a way that is valuable, whether you want to share an interesting article or offer help.

Networking at a higher level isn’t just about job hunting. It’s about building and nurturing relationships that can provide support and opportunities throughout your career.

By leveraging existing networks, engaging with leadership teams, building an online presence, collaborating on projects, and following up, leadership candidates can increase their visibility and secure the next milestone in their career.