
Kerala’s Investment Potential: From Tourism to Industrial Hub

Kerala is not just an exotic destination; it has huge potential for investment in various sectors, according to Kerala Industries Minister P. Rajeev. Speaking on Thursday, he suggested that Kerala and Tamil Nadu could work together to attract significant industrial development.

Rajeev emphasised that Kerala is ‘Numero Uno’ in the country in terms of sustainable growth. He noted that both the states can work synergistically to support large industries by leveraging the unique strengths of each state in the automotive and automotive technology sectors.

The minister highlighted the Kerala government’s initiatives to attract industry, such as allocating land for industrial projects, expediting clearances for new ventures and reducing bureaucratic hurdles. He highlighted Kerala’s contribution to GDP at four per cent and registration of about 2.56 lakh SMEs in two years, with a new policy on AI and high-tech manufacturing on the horizon.

(Based on information from the agency.)