
Court issues stay of Wanjigi’s arrest during Raila’s visit to home

The Supreme Court on Friday issued an interim order restraining police from arresting and restricting the freedom of movement of businessman Jimi Wanjiga until the outcome of the case he filed.

Judge Bahati Mwamuye said that if Wanjigi was arrested or detained while the application was pending before the court, officers should release him immediately.

The judge deemed the case filed by Wanjigi urgent and ordered him to serve the documents on the Inspector General of Police, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions by the end of the business day on August 12.

Respondents must submit their responses by August 14.

The case will be taken up on August 16 to set a trial date.

Wanjigi filed a lawsuit on Friday and denied being the owner of the vehicle in which police found tear gas canisters and other communication devices.

A black four-wheel drive vehicle was found abandoned at the entrance to Wanjiga’s home in Muthaiga, Nairobi.

This happened minutes before police announced they were looking for Wanjigi in connection with the Nane nane demonstrations in Nairobi.

Wanjigi, in a case filed at a Milimani court, said he was framed in an attempt to settle political scores.

Acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli on Thursday informed the public about the finding of four tear gas canisters, two Motorola gadgets, seven different pocket phone chargers and one mobile phone in a vehicle parked at the Wanjigi gate.

On this basis, the Inspector General asked Wanjigi to report to the police for questioning.

Wanjigi told the court that, contrary to earlier information, the vehicle in question does not belong to him or any of his accomplices.

“I find that the IG has no justifiable basis to arrest me or to report to any police station as requested or to file criminal charges against me,” he said through attorney Nelson Osiemo.

He asked the court to set him on bail pending any arrests or charges brought by the police.

He also seeks an order restraining the Inspector General from arresting him and restricting his freedom of movement.

The police spent the night at his home searching for him, but to no avail.

This happened after a break-in at his property.

Police were called to the house on Friday when ODM leader Raila Odinga visited the house.

DAP-Kenya leader Eugene Wamalwa and Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua visited Wanjigi’s wife, mother and children who were severely traumatised during a police raid on their home in Muthaiga, Nairobi.

They said the raid was politically motivated and aimed at harassing, intimidating and silencing voices.

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