
Sex education group mistakenly hands out ultrasound probe covers thinking they are condoms

The attackers thought they were getting condoms — but it was just a Trojan horse.

An Australian sex education group handed out what it thought were rubber packets for months — only to find out they were actually “lubricated probe covers” for ultrasound equipment.

The Canberra sexual health and family planning group said it accidentally confused the medical equipment with the medical supplies because they both had “similar packaging”, adding it had been distributing them since January.

“If you have received something from us in the last six months that looks like a condom, please do not use it,” the organisation wrote in an apology this week, according to Australian station ABC News.

probe cover
Sex education group mistakes Checkmate ultrasound probe covers for condoms.

“These products have similar packaging and appearance to condoms, but do not provide the same level of protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.”

Critics said the group itself could benefit from a bit of sex education.

“When students are told they are getting a sexual health product like a condom, it should be a condom,” said Reo Golding, a student at Dickson College, where the condoms were allegedly handed out.

Student Reo Golding was outraged by the mistake.

The sex education group reportedly handed out fake condoms on at least five campuses, including Dickson, Gungahlin College, Canberra College, Lake Ginninderra College and Melba Copland Secondary School.

Earlier this week the principal of Dickson College sent a letter to parents informing them of the flat tire accident.

The sexual health group said it was unclear how many packages had been sent out since January.