
Supreme Leader Demands Hanoi Do More to Fulfill Special Role

Party general secretary and state chairman To Lam speaks at a working meeting of the Standing Board of the Party Committee in Hanoi, August 9. (Photo: VNA)

He highly praised the efforts and achievements of the local party organization, administration and people in recent years to build Hanoi into a leading city in many respects, including reform and development. He also appreciated the political determination of the leaders of local agencies, organizations and administrations at all levels who adopted a reformed mindset, took drastic actions and maintained a high sense of responsibility for the development of the capital.

Pointing out several major tasks for the future, the leader stressed the need to be fully aware of Hanoi’s potential, its unique advantages and its particularly important role in the work of “Doi moi” (Renewal) of the Red River Delta and the entire nation.

Hanoi must promote the spirit of dynamism and creativity, think globally, act boldly, and continue to reform its thinking and work methodology to develop more strongly and comprehensively, becoming a role model in all fields, he said.

He also called for increased efforts to ensure the capital’s rapid and sustainable development, harmoniously combining economic growth with culture, environmental protection, safety and people’s happiness.

In addition, Hanoi must properly carry out the task of building and repairing the Party and the political system, which is crucial for success in other areas, he said.

The Supreme Leader ordered Hanoi to simultaneously control the exercise of power, strengthen control and supervision to prevent abuse of power, further strengthen close ties between the Party and the administration and the people, rely on the citizens’ satisfaction with the evaluation of the performance of the Party committees and administration at all levels, promote democracy, and utilize the power of great national solidarity, especially solidarity within the Party committees and administration, especially the city’s Party Committee, its Standing Board and its permanent members.

Hanoi is the capital and a special metropolis, so it needs a system of specific and groundbreaking mechanisms and policies to enforce the amended Capital Law, improve its financial and budgetary capacity and mobilize resources for development in the coming period, he noted.

The leader noted that since Hanoi is the largest Party organization in the country, its Party Committee must ensure that Party congresses at all levels are held on schedule and with high quality, improve the quality of congress documents at all levels, ensure the Party’s direct and all-round leadership in cadre matters, and select and nominate cadres who are outstanding in political courage, qualities, morality, experience and achievements.

The construction and development of a civilized and modern capital with a time-honored culture is the responsibility of the entire country, primarily the party organization, administration and people of Hanoi. Considering this, Hanoi should be more active in using the help of ministries and central sectors, he asked.

He also called on the National Assembly, the Government, ministries and sectors to work more closely with Hanoi to resolve issues hampering the implementation of the amended Capital Law and to develop concrete mechanisms and policies that will help the city develop in the coming years./.