
“Project Management Fundamentals Are the Key to Entrepreneurial Success”

According to George Asamani, Managing Director of the Project Management Institute (PMI) for Sub-Saharan Africa, for an entrepreneur to be successful in his business he must master the basics of project management.

Arguing that success in the digital age requires more than visionary ideas and venture capital, he added that without disciplined execution, solid project management and a clear understanding of the market, even the most innovative startups risk becoming footnotes in the history of entrepreneurship.

According to him, “1Young people are at the forefront of innovation and creativity in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), nearly 80 percent of 15- to 24-year-olds would use the internet in 2023, outpacing other age groups. This digital adoption is empowering young people to become innovators, creators, and problem solvers.

“This innate comfort with digital tools has inspired a wave of startups in areas like app development, e-commerce, fintech, artificial intelligence, and social media. Many startups have emerged from this generation, transforming industries and redefining how businesses operate in the digital age.”

Technology, he said, is like Play-Doh in that it offers limitless possibilities, allowing us to create, innovate and solve problems, although technology alone is not enough. Like a mold that molds Play-Doh into meaningful shapes, startups need project management to transform ideas into viable projects.

Stressing that project management is the discipline of planning, organizing and overseeing the successful completion of projects, he added that it involves setting clear goals, allocating resources, managing risk and ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget. It is also a strategic discipline that can be the difference between a startup that thrives and one that fails.

“A startup built on a solid project management framework is also better positioned to align its operations with broader social and environmental goals. Ventures like M-Kopa and Andela exemplify this approach, effectively contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. M-Kopa’s affordable solar solutions combat climate change by providing access to clean energy, while Andela’s technical training programs empower youth in Africa by promoting quality education and decent work,” he emphasized.

He added that as digital technologies evolve, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a powerful tool that can streamline project management and at the same time has the potential to revolutionize project management by automating routine tasks, delivering data-driven insights and optimizing decision-making processes.

He advised young digital pioneers to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) in project management to increase their impact and drive innovation. He added that PMI recognizes the transformative potential of AI and is actively integrating it into its offerings, as well as enabling project professionals to use GenAI through initiatives such as PMI Infinity and the new Prompt Library.

According to him, “Through the use of technology, young people can create ventures that balance profit with purpose, solving global challenges while generating economic value. To achieve this vision, we must invest in education and training programs to develop their project management skills, equipping them to leverage technology for both social impact and business success.”