
Thousands protest lithium mining in Serbia amid accusations of political conspiracy

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Belgrade on Saturday to express strong opposition to proposed lithium mining in Serbia. The demonstration, one of the largest in recent years, came despite warnings from government officials who say the protests are part of a plot to overthrow populist President Aleksandar Vučić.

Chanting “No more mining” and “Treason, betrayal,” protesters marched through central Belgrade, with some pledging to block train traffic until their demands for a formal ban on lithium mining were met. The government’s plan to resume lithium mining in the Jadar Valley, run by multinational corporation Rio Tinto, has sparked widespread concern about potential environmental damage, despite claims of high environmental standards.

The demonstration is part of a wider wave of protests across Serbia challenging Vučić’s increasingly autocratic rule and his government’s drive to develop the country’s lithium resources in partnership with the European Union. Critics say the project will destroy local agriculture and water supplies, while the government insists it represents a key opportunity for economic growth.