
Government appoints Crown Administrator Lawrence Yule to oversee flood prevention in Wairoa

Yule will be responsible for finding appropriate solutions, engaging the community and implementing them.

“Recent events have highlighted the vulnerability of the Wairoa Municipality to future flood damage. The need to continue these protective actions is increasingly urgent. The role of the Crown Manager will be key to ensuring this happens,” says Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery Mark Mitchell.

“Wairoa has experienced two major weather events in the last few years. As Chair of the Wairoa Flood Stakeholder Group, Mr Yule understands the weather-related challenges the municipality faces.

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“The government is delivering on its commitment to supporting this community by increasing its resilience to flooding. Doing nothing is not an option.”

Yule will begin serving on August 15. Her term will last for a year and a half, until February 13, 2026.

The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council welcomed Yule’s appointment.

Hinewai Regional Council Chairperson Ormsby said they were pleased to have the support of Mr Yule to help ensure public and local resources were used effectively and in a timely manner, and to accelerate work on flood mitigation solutions in Wairoa.

“Korona is a key partner for the project, not only as a sponsor, but also as a person helping to make complex decisions.

“I have conveyed to Ministers the importance of the Crown’s engagement in recent weeks. Mr Yule is well-connected in the region and, like us, is acutely aware of the critical need for a proper solution for the people of Wairoa. We are encouraged by his appointment by Minister Brown.

“A lot of progress has been made on flood mitigation options in Wairoa, but there is still much to do. Considerable technical work has been developed through a tripartite agreement between the Wairoa Regional Council, Wairoa District Council and Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa, and the Wairoa Stakeholder Group has reviewed flood mitigation options.

“We look forward to continuing to work with the Wairoa community on solutions to reduce the risk of future flooding. Our changing climate means these mitigation measures are incredibly important and need to be implemented urgently.”