
Flood protection in practice: a do-it-yourself guide

Water damage to a home can come in many forms. For some, flooding is one of the most common causes of damage to a home due to its location and proximity to water sources. When faced with major storms like Hurricane Debby, it is imperative to be prepared. Overall, water damage accounts for nearly a quarter of homeowners’ insurance claims, according to the Insurance Information Institute, and includes water from a major storm, burst water pipes, and a variety of other sources.

Regardless of how the uninvited water entered your home, the damage it causes can be devastating. As such, it’s best to take steps now to protect your home from flooding and other types of water damage. This guide will take you through steps to prepare your home and belongings to be as safe as possible from water damage.

Know your flood risk

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The East River overflowed its banks, flooding Manhattan’s Upper East Side. First Avenue at 93rd Street looked more like a river than a street last night.

Shara Tibken/CNET

Floods are one of the most devastating forms of water damage. Not only does the water itself cause problems for your home and community, but sediment in the water and the potential for mold and other bacteria only increases the damage once the water recedes. The first step in avoiding flood damage to your home is to assess your flood risk. Some parts of the country, and even your own community, are more prone to flooding than others and need to take extra precautions to keep their homes safe and dry.

A great way to assess the flood risk for your home is to review the FEMA flood map or talk to your local zoning agency. FEMA considers any area with a one percent or greater chance of flooding to be a special flood hazard area. If your home is located in one of these high-risk areas, you should take extra precautions to protect yourself and your home.

Seal the foundations of your home

External cracks in the house foundation External cracks in the house foundation

Sealing cracks in your home’s foundation not only prevents water from getting in, but also protects against insects and pests.

Chris Wedel/CNET

A good foundation of information is important when you’re trying to learn a new skill. When we talk about a home, we’re talking about a literal foundation, which is essential. When there are cracks in the foundation of a home, water from heavy rain can seep in and cause damage, not to mention flooding. What may start as a small crack can grow larger as the water weakens and erodes the foundation, creating an even bigger problem.

You can often make repairs yourself using mortar Or masonry sealant to seal any cracks and fill any gaps in the foundation, if you don’t feel comfortable doing this task or see major damage, but be sure to contact a local contractor for help. You can also seal the basement walls with a rubber coating such as Blue Max to further protect the foundation against water.

Keep your gutters clean

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This Black and Decker leaf blower lets you clean your gutters without having to use a ladder.


Gutters may not seem like the most obvious thing to check when water is coming into your home, but clogged gutters and storm drains can be part of the problem. When they’re clogged, water can’t flow freely and can end up in places it shouldn’t, causing it to back up and pool around your home.

When water builds up, it’s more likely to seep between shingles, behind siding, and into other cracks. The best way to avoid this is to schedule regular maintenance for your gutters, downspouts, and storm drains. Also, make sure your downspouts are directed away from your home.

Install flood sensors

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Flood sensors can protect often-forgotten corners of your home from accidental water damage.

David Priest/CNET

The first step in preventing water damage is to stop it from entering your home, but sometimes the culprit can be the water that enters our homes. A burst water pipe can happen because a line has frozen in the winter, a damaged connection, or the pipes have simply stopped working. Either way, knowing when it happens can save your home a lot of damage and money.

Some helpful smart home devices can help reduce water damage in your home, one of which is a flood sensor. There are many different types on the market; some are smart, some are not. I have two in my basement that notify me if there is a problem, Aeotec SmartThings Water Leak Sensor if my submersible pump fails and Govee WiFi Water Leak Detector for my water heater. They notify me as soon as water touches the sensors.

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Flood sensors detect water when it comes into contact with both metal probes of the device, allowing current to flow.

Chris Monroe/CNET

Other style of flood detectors are not smart but can be helpful in other ways. I use Govee Water Leak Detectors under the sinks in my house, behind the toilets, dishwasher and washing machine. I also have two in my camper. They have a very loud alarm that goes off when they are wet, so although you won’t get a notification on your phone, if you are anywhere near them, you will hear them.

There are many types of flood sensors to choose from, with prices ranging from as little as $20 to nearly $100. Some home security companies also offer flood sensors as part of their home security systems.

Water leak repair

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Chris Monroe/CNET

This may seem obvious, but if you have any leaks in your pipes or roof — even small ones — fix them as soon as possible. Even the smallest drips of leakage can cause big problems, and it’s only a matter of time before that small leak gets worse. The last thing you want is a huge downpour to show you just how bad that small leak was.

Even if you haven’t experienced leaks, it’s good practice to pay attention to anything in your home that might leak so you can spot it right away. This means routinely checking your ceilings for water stains, checking under your bathroom and kitchen cabinets for water-swollen wood, and checking your HVAC and water heater base for evidence of water buildup.

Improve the terrain of your yard

Parallel lines mowed in the grass. Parallel lines mowed in the grass.

My garden has never looked so professional.

Chris Wedel/CNET

An often forgotten part of a home’s yard is its slope. No, I’m not talking about whether it got an “A” in a contest for the best-looking lawn in the community. I’m talking about the slope, which refers to the shape and angle of the yard. A properly sloped lawn is either level or slightly sloped away from the home. By making sure that the yard is doing its job and not directing water toward the home, you will reduce the risk of rain or floodwaters getting in.

Install a submersible pump

Submersible pump in the basement hole Submersible pump in the basement hole

Installing a submersible basement pump is essential whether or not your home often has water in it. It will allow you to be prepared when it does occur.

Chris Wedel/CNET

If your home has a basement, a submersible pump is a must-have piece of equipment. A submersible pump is a device designed to pump groundwater away from your home, directing it away from pipes and foundations. Many homes have a hole in their basement where you can install a pump that will automatically turn on when the hole is full.

If your home does not have a hole for a sump pump, it should have a floor drain at the lowest point in the basement. In this case, if the basement gets excess water, you will want to direct it to the drain. It would also be wise to place a good dehumidifier in the basement to help remove moisture from the air and dry out the area if water gets into it.

Pick up devices and media

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Depending on how vulnerable your home is to flooding, you may want to consider raising your appliances slightly to prevent damage in the event of a minor flood.

Chris Monroe/CNET

If your home is in an area that floods frequently, after taking the steps above, make sure to protect your appliances, utilities, and other electrical equipment in your home. If you haven’t already, you can raise electrical switches, breakers, and switches at least a foot off the floor to prevent electrical damage. For appliances like your HVAC system, refrigerators, freezers, and other large appliances, placing them on elevated surfaces (bricks, boards, etc.) will help reduce the risk of damage in the event of a flood.

Insure your home

In an ideal world, you would never experience flooding in your home. It’s not a bad idea to plan for the worst-case scenario.

Most homeowners insurance plans cover sudden and unforeseen cases of burst pipes and other flooding causes, such as sewer backups, which is often a fairly affordable add-on. If you neglect your pipes and they burst due to rust and age, your insurance likely won’t cover the damage.

If you live in an area with a high risk of flooding, you may be required to purchase flood insurance for your home. Even if it’s not required, it’s still worth considering, depending on where you live.

The most important thing is to do your research: check your pipes for rust and damage, assess the risk of flooding in the area, and talk to your neighbors about any problems they have encountered.

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What’s next?

The Lasko Super Max Air Mover dries the carpet on the floor. The Lasko Super Max Air Mover dries the carpet on the floor.

Air flow meters work like fans, but are very directional and efficiently move large volumes of air.

Chris Wedel/CNET

Flooding and water damage are all too common problems for homeowners. Taking the right precautions can help ensure that in the event of a storm or other unforeseen event, your home is protected.

If unexpected water enters your home, having tools and equipment on hand can help clean up and reduce the damage. Having good air dryer will help remove moisture from the air. You may also need a few powerful fans to move the air and help with drying. In addition to fans, I recommend getting a fan, which is like a fan, but more powerful and directional. There are larger ones, but I like Lasko Super Fan Max Air Mover because it is compact, yet moves more than enough air.

Plus, flooding isn’t the only threat your home faces. Be sure to check out our home safety checklist for seven more steps you can take to keep your home and family safe.