
What emails did Trump receive informing him that he had been the victim of a cyberattack?

The Trump campaign announced it had been hacked, accusing a foreign entity of trying to interfere in the 2024 general election.

The campaign is attacking actors like Iran, trying to show that the country is afraid of what will happen if it enters the White House for a second term. In January 2020, Donald Trump signed off on the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, further straining relations between the two countries, which have not had open diplomatic relations for decades. But the administration would have to make public any information it has about why it accuses Iran of carrying out the attack, because the Democratic Party is also not on good terms with the regime.

In 2016, the DNC suffered a major hack that U.S. intelligence officials accused Russia of carrying out to help Trump win the election. That happened after then-candidate Trump called on the Russian government to hack Democrats

What did the campaign say about the hack?

The campaign did not provide its own evidence that Iran carried out the hack, instead citing a report published last week by Microsoft titled “Iran Is Invading 2024 U.S. Elections with Cyber ​​Influence Operations.” Steven Cheung, a current Trump campaign spokesman, said the hackers aimed to “interfere in the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our democratic process,” a formulation that suggests Democrats could also be vulnerable to similar attacks as we approach the election.

However, the only information about the breach mentioned in the press release was how the hackers supposedly penetrated the security systems. It appears that they “sent a spear-phishing email to a high-ranking presidential campaign official in June.” No ransom-style emails were sent to Donald Trump demanding the return of stolen data.