
10 Ecommerce Side Jobs That Could Make Over $100K in 2024

If you’ve been searching the web for ways to make money outside of your regular job, you’ve probably come across two words many times: e-commerce and dropshipping (a type of e-commerce that doesn’t require you to maintain your own inventory).

But what exactly is e-commerce? You might think it’s too complicated to want to try, but it’s actually easier than you think once you get started.

There are countless stories of entrepreneurs who have made significant profits overnight because they identified an area of ​​the market that was either unserved or where there was a strong demand and desire for commercial development. They hit the jackpot because they hit the nail on the head with their e-commerce products through meticulous research.

Take Brook Hiddink for example.

During his second year of law school at Queen’s University, Hiddink realized that traditional career paths weren’t meeting his entrepreneurial drive. “I didn’t like the job enough to want to do it for the rest of my life,” he says. He desperately wanted to do something other than law, and he decided that dropshipping was a good idea. So he bought a $3,000 course and immediately knew it wasn’t for him. But instead of giving up, he decided to use what he had learned.

Brook has focused on selling premium, high-margin products through platforms like Shopify, meeting the needs of a highly demanding customer base that seeks quality and value.

Through his persistence and determination, this side hustle generated over $4.6 million in revenue, which led him to share his knowledge through, helping others achieve similar results (which has now become his primary goal).

What is e-commerce?

But before we get into the different types of e-commerce side jobs you can take up, let’s first take a look at what e-commerce actually is?

Ecommerce simply means electronic commerce and refers to the trading of physical or digital goods via online platforms. Some choose to sell on their own website or on social media platforms like Facebook Marketplace, while others choose to use e-commerce sites or a combination of both. Others even go so far as to have a traditional brick-and-mortar store while also strengthening their presence through e-commerce.

Why e-commerce?

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of e-commerce for you as a professional running a side hustle is that it can be done entirely online, allowing you to make money online from the comfort of your own home. It’s also scalable and allows you to reach more customers than you could if you relied solely on a physical location.

The ability to have a global reach and make your product(s) available to many customers allows you to make unlimited money, and depending on how your business operates, it can even generate passive income.

All these factors make e-commerce a very attractive side hustle.

Well-Paid E-Commerce Side Jobs for 2024

Here are some additional e-commerce jobs to consider in 2024:

  1. Amazon FBA
  2. Selling Online Courses
  3. Selling apps in app stores
  4. Website and domain trading
  5. Dropshipping on sites other than Amazon
  6. Selling handmade items on Etsy
  7. Print on demand products
  8. E-commerce Consulting
  9. Affiliate Marketing
  10. Selling personalized gift products

As you can see, e-commerce offers many opportunities to increase your income, replace your job if you are truly successful, and sell products you are passionate about, all from the comfort of your own home. You can also inject your unique experience into your products to make them better and to make you passionate about the items you sell. Take the time today to carve out your niche and the unique products you intend to sell, and learn your market inside and out so you can become the next success story.