
Kamala Harris and Democrats Slander Project 2025 — But Trump Should Embrace Its Winning Ideas

Kamala Harris went to Las Vegas this weekend and brazenly stole one of Donald Trump’s most important policies: no tip tax.

Trump, who got his idea for populist policies from a waitress, responded with an angry post on Truth Social and a new pseudonym: “Kamala the Copier… no ideas, only steals from me.”

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so it was oddly impertinent for Harris to model herself after a candidate her entire party spent eight years demonizing as the second coming of Hitler.

Either way, it’s all a sham. She could reverse the draconian new tax compliance system for hospitality workers that the Harris-Biden administration rolled out last year. But she’s pretending to be a clean-cut person running against her own government.

Drawing the void

Harris presents herself as a blank slate in politics. Her official campaign website is as bare as her media engagement schedule, aside from a donation tool and a brief bio of herself and her running mate, Tim Walz.

All Harris has offered over the past month to advance her ghost candidacy is a vague promise to “schedule an interview before the end of the month” with one of the many tongue-in-cheek specialists in the Democratic media firmament.

By comparison, Trump held a no-holds-barred 70-minute news conference last week, J.D. Vance waged a brutal blitzkrieg on three Sunday morning news shows, and even the elusive Basement Biden indulged in some affectionate sycophancy from CBS.

On the political front, Trump has a 20-point platform on his website, Agenda 47, that runs the gamut of winning votes from “seal the border and stop border invasions” to “end inflation and make America affordable again.”

If the election were purely about politics and not “sentiment”, Trump would have won in a landslide, because Harries has the stinking baggage of the last four years of inflation, illegal migration, crime and disunity on his conscience.

Any attempt to define a new policy direction, as she promised this week, puts her on a collision course with Joe Biden, whose sole purpose is to defend his legacy to the death (or get Dr. Jill and Hunter to do so on his behalf).

Democrats know that politics is Harris’ Achilles heel and that time is running out to add substance to their candidate before her past — and Biden’s — irrevocably defines her.

That’s why they weaponized the Heritage Foundation’s excellent Project 2025. A set of sensible policy suggestions created by the conservative think tank in 2022, ahead of the GOP primaries, to help guide the thinking of the next Republican administration.

Democrats knew that such policies were popular and deadly to their cause, so they began systematically destroying Project 2025 in public opinion.

Harris and Walz lied about this unconscionably rather than putting forward their own acceptable policies.

Even CNN fact-checked Harris’s claims about Project 2025 at her first campaign rally as false: “When you read this, you’ll see that Donald Trump is going to cut Social Security and Medicare. He’s going to give tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations and make working families foot the bill.”

None of this is true.

It worked for Reagan

Walz falsely portrays Project 2025 as a bizarre “Handmaid’s Tale” dystopia that bans abortion and in vitro fertilization, enslaves women, and demonizes LGBTQ issues.

There is nothing of the sort in the unfairly maligned 900-page book that Heritage Publishing released in April 2023, having been written a year earlier.

Unfortunately, the demonization campaign worked. Trump panicked and disassociated himself from Project 2025, denouncing it as “absolutely ridiculous and pathetic.”

The problem is that it contains a lot of eminently reasonable assumptions, based on the common sense that embodies his campaign.

It overlaps with Trump’s Agenda 47 and is based on a similar conservative playbook that Heritage developed in 1981 for the incoming Reagan administration.

In response to Democrats’ dishonest disinformation campaign, Heritage conducted a poll on Project 2025’s top policies in key battleground states.

The poll, released exclusively here, shows that public perception of the project is overwhelmingly positive. In other words, it is a blueprint for electoral success, not to mention the magic of government.

The proposals with the most support include:

  • Requiring companies to verify that their employees are legal U.S. residents — 82% support, 13% oppose.
  • Annual cuts in government spending to curb inflation — 81% support, 12% oppose.
  • Enforcement of existing immigration laws, including deportation of violators — 79% support, 16% oppose.
  • Ensure that married couples do not pay more taxes than unmarried couples who live together — 74% support, 12% oppose.

Project 2025 may have been consigned to the dustbin of history, but any Conservative government worth its salt would implement many of its common-sense proposals.

Unlike Trump, Ronald Reagan embraced Heritage’s original 1981 suggestions, giving a copy to each member of his Cabinet and asking them to share ideas they could incorporate.

Why wouldn’t you take the best of conservative economic and social thought and try to improve the complex workings of government? It’s obvious.