
Explaining the Digital Divide in Society

Most people these days are glued to their phones and most often land on their social media to scroll and see what’s going on. While the internet is definitely more accessible today, we sometimes forget that there are parts of the world that don’t have that access. This in turn creates a divide between those who have knowledge at their fingertips and those who have difficulty accessing it.

Exploring the gap

Digital divide refers to the gap between those who have access to and knowledge of digital technology and those who do not. Due to the constant improvement of technology, this gap can divide people not only in terms of access to knowledge, but also in other aspects of quality of life.


Digital divide in education is rampant, especially in developing countries. According to the School of Education at American University, students who have access to gadgets and the internet do better than those who don’t. Of course, it is assumed that those who have access to the internet can have all the information with a click of a button. In areas where gadgets and internet connection are rare, information can be quite difficult to obtain.


Similarly, employees and candidates who have access to technology can find better employment, learning, and career development opportunities. When the pandemic hit, most companies were forced to implement remote work as a precaution for their employees.

Traditionally, people had to physically go to work. Since this was a fairly new concept for the general public at the time, some people had a hard time working from their living space. This was especially difficult for those living in the provinces or remote areas, as the internet connection might not be as stable. Businesses also had to invest in laptops for their employees, since all the desktops were in the office. In the worst case scenario, companies that did not have the resources to provide their employees with laptops simply had to close down for a while because no work could be done.

Running errands

Due to the pandemic, online shopping has become a common aspect of our society. It has not only reduced the possibility of going out and getting sick, but also saved consumers a lot of time to shop or buy groceries. It is also an advantage that people can easily shop from a shop window with just one click.

Bridging the gap

Digital divide also includes the digital skills of an individual. Even with the availability of computers in public spaces, some do not know how to operate computers or search the web. With digital skills, more doors open for individuals to discover new things, gain knowledge, and learn skills.

Local government assistance

For those living in remote areas or provinces, the best first step you can take is to seek help from your local government. Ideally, the government should be able to allocate computers and internet services to schools so that students can access them at any time. Public libraries can also extend their opening hours and offer more resources so that people can access the internet for information.

Free seminars

As mentioned a while ago, even though computers are commonplace, it is important to have basic digital knowledge to maximize the technology that you have. Providing a digital literacy program can help individuals navigate the digital world. It is also important for people with limited knowledge of the online space to arm themselves against online scammers. Having a basic understanding of what online scams look like can help them stay safe while browsing the internet, such as when making online transactions.

Recognize the privilege

Those of us who are digitally literate need to be willing to share our knowledge and resources with others, rather than belittling those who don’t have the resources we do. By recognizing our privileges and taking steps to help others, we can also improve their quality of life. Donating gadgets we no longer use and teaching someone can be simple ways we can help others and bridge the digital divide. By working together as a society, we can bridge the digital divide.

Photo credit: Main photo by Ari He.
Source: American University Department of Education

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