
BMW tests humanoid robots in car production

BMW Humanoid Robots

The BMW Group is pioneering use of humanoid robots in car productiona major milestone in automotive manufacturing. The latest humanoid robot, Figure 02, developed by Californian company Figure, has successfully completed a test run at the BMW Group plant in Spartanburg. The innovative robot demonstrated its ability to insert sheet metal parts into specific fixtures, a task that requires exceptional dexterity. The integration of humanoid robots aims to increase performance and safety taking over ergonomically challenging tasks from employees.

The introduction of Figure 02 into BMW’s production process represents a groundbreaking step towards the future of automotive production. By using the advanced capabilities of humanoid robots, BMW aims to optimize its production lines, reduce the physical load on workers and maintain the highest standards of quality and precision. This strategic move puts BMW at the forefront of innovation in the industry, setting a new benchmark for the integration of advanced robotics in production.

Technological progress of Figure 02

Figure 02 shows cutting-edge robotics technology. It has three times the processing power of its predecessor, improved voice communication, better cameras, microphones and sensors. It also has a high-capacity battery and fourth-generation human-scale hands with 16 degrees of freedom per hand, offering human-like strength. These improvements enable Figure 02 to perform a wide range of complex tasks autonomously, making it ideal for physically demanding, hazardous or repetitive processes.

BMW Humanoid Robots

Figure 02’s increased processing power allows it to analyze and respond to its environment in real time, ensuring tasks are completed accurately and efficiently. Enhanced voice communication capabilities support seamless interaction between the robot and workers, enabling effective collaboration and coordination on the shop floor. Advanced sensors and cameras give Figure 02 a comprehensive understanding of its surroundings, enabling it to navigate and operate safely in dynamic manufacturing environments.

Potential benefits and impact

Integrating humanoid robots like Figure 02 into automotive manufacturing offers numerous potential benefits for the automotive industry. By automating ergonomically difficult and repetitive tasks, these robots can significantly reduce the risk of workplace injuries and improve overall worker safety. Additionally, the precision and consistency provided by humanoid robots can lead to improved product quality and reduced manufacturing errors.

In addition, the adoption of advanced robotics technology can streamline manufacturing processes, increase efficiency, and optimize resource utilization. This can result in shorter production cycles, reduced costs, and increased productivity. As technology advances, humanoid robots are expected to play an increasingly important role in driving innovation and competitiveness in the automotive sector.

Future prospects and cooperation

There are currently no Figure AI robots at the BMW Group Spartanburg plant, and a final timeline for their integration has not been set. BMW Group continues to work with Figure to collect data and train Figure 02 robots for future production applications. Additional information on pricing and availability will be provided as the technology advances.


The collaboration between BMW and Figure underscores the importance of partnerships between automakers and technology companies in driving innovation and shaping the future of the industry. By combining BMW’s automotive manufacturing expertise with Figure’s innovative robotics technology, the partnership aims to unlock new possibilities and set new standards in automotive manufacturing.


  • Processing power: three times greater than its predecessor
  • Communication: Improved voice communication
  • Sensors: Improved cameras, microphones and sensors
  • Battery: High-performance battery
  • Hands: 4th generation human scale hands with 16 degrees of freedom per hand
  • Strength: Strength equivalent to human strength
  • Capabilities: Fully autonomous execution of human and two-handed tasks
  • Accuracy: Millimeter-level precision when placing complex parts


Those interested in integrating advanced robotics into production may also be interested in the development AI-based quality control systemsrole machine learning in predictive maintenanceand the impact of automation on workforce dynamics. These topics offer a broader understanding of how innovative technologies are shaping the future of industrial production.

The development of AI-based quality control systems has the potential to transform product inspection and defect detection processes. Using computer vision and deep learning algorithms, these systems can identify and flag quality issues with unparalleled accuracy and speed. This not only improves product quality, but also reduces the need for manual inspections, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.

BMW Humanoid RobotsBMW Humanoid Robots

Machine learning algorithms can also play a significant role in predictive maintenance, allowing manufacturers to proactively identify and resolve potential equipment failures before they occur. By analyzing vast amounts of sensor data and historical maintenance records, these algorithms can detect patterns and anomalies that indicate impending failures. This proactive approach minimizes downtime, reduces maintenance costs and improves overall equipment efficiency.

As automation technology advances, it is critical to consider the impact on workforce dynamics. While the integration of humanoid robots and other automated systems may lead to the displacement of some positions, it also creates opportunities for upskilling and relocation of workers. Manufacturers must prioritize employee training and development programs to ensure their workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly automated environment.

The integration of advanced humanoid robots into automotive production by the BMW Group represents a significant step forward in the evolution of automotive production. By embracing innovative robotic technology, BMW is positioning itself at the forefront of industry innovation, setting new standards for product efficiency, safety and quality. As the collaboration between BMW and Figure progresses, the potential benefits and impact of humanoid robots in production will continue to expand, shaping the future of the automotive industry and beyond.

Source BMW

Filed under: Automotive News, Technology News

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