
Hundreds of Australian students attend meetings to oppose Israeli attack

Special General Meetings (SGMs) of student unions and representative bodies are being called at universities across Australia to oppose Israel’s genocide in Gaza, with strict requirements requiring hundreds of signatures to be collected on most campuses before a meeting can take place.

At the University of Sydney, SGM took place last week, only the fifth since 1971. It was attended by as many as 700 students. Similar events have been held at the University of Queensland in Brisbane and RMIT University in Melbourne, while SGM will be held at the University of Melbourne and Queensland University of Technology on Thursday. Petitions are underway at other campuses.

Students starting SGM at RMIT University in Melbourne on 13 August 2024

International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE), the youth and student wing of the Socialist Equality Party, supports the convening of such meetings. The response they have generated shows that students are determined to fight genocide, despite vitriolic attacks from the Labour government and the entire political establishment.

The attendance at the meetings testifies to the growing politicization against the background of growing militarism, the development of fascist movements in the international arena and disastrous social conditions.

The significance of the meetings, however, will be determined by what they decide. The students know that the meetings themselves will not end the genocide. The task of such meetings is to formulate a course of action, a path for the future struggle, which must be based on the developed political perspective and the lessons of the past period.

Critical questions have been raised. How can genocide be fought and ended after ten months when everything that has been tried, all the protests and appeals to governments, have clearly failed?

What is the connection between the war crimes in Gaza, sponsored and supported by the imperialists, and the broader situation in the world, and above all the global rise in militarism that threatens a new world war?