
Turning E-Commerce Data Into Profit: A Guide to Increasing LTV

As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve with the emergence of artificial intelligence and predictive capabilities, data-driven identity strategies will play an increasingly important role in driving growth.

The question is, “How?”

By leveraging first-party data and predictive analytics, e-commerce brands can build an identity-based marketing strategy that increases customer lifetime value (LTV), ensuring long-term profitability.

Understanding Customer LTV

LTV refers to the total revenue a company earns from a single customer over their lifetime. This is a key metric for e-commerce brands, underscoring the importance of nurturing relationships for long-term retention. By looking not only at LTV itself, but also at its relationship to customer acquisition cost (CAC), brands often find that they are willing to spend more to acquire a high LTV customer. A high LTV:CAC ratio means a better return on investment, which results in profitable growth.

The role of proprietary data

First-party data refers to information collected directly from customers through interactions on a brand’s own channels, such as websites or apps. Unlike third-party data, which is collected from external sources, first-party data represents a customer’s direct interaction with a brand, resulting in the highest level of accuracy. E-commerce brands can effectively collect this data through a variety of means, such as tracking purchase histories or offering customer surveys.

To take it a step further, brands using “enriched” first-party data can gain additional insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and lifestyles. They do this by incorporating external sources to fill in the gaps. The result is a more complete picture of a brand’s different customer segments, which marketers can then use to develop more personalized strategies.

The power of predictive analytics

Predictive analytics uses machine learning algorithms to analyze behavior and predict future outcomes. In the context of e-commerce, predictive analytics can predict LTV and predict customer purchasing behavior, allowing brands to make informed decisions. These calculations have traditionally been time-consuming or impossible to perform manually. By leveraging predictive models, brands can easily identify high-value customers, predict churn rates, and optimize marketing efforts.

For example, using predictive analytics, a home goods brand was recently able to differentiate its largest customer base from the group of customers who were actually the most valuable. While the largest (persona) group was 18- to 25-year-old urban millennials, the most valuable group was actually middle-aged suburban moms. This insight allowed the brand’s marketing team to adjust its strategies and emphasize effectively reaching this high-value group. This action alone resulted in an eight-figure increase in ancillary revenue over an eight-month period.

Strategies to Maximize LTV Through Predictive Analytics


Personalization of customer experiences based on first-party data can significantly increase LTV. The success rate of these campaigns increases even more when the data has been enriched with third-party data sources (e.g., softer metrics like demographics, interests, and behaviors). Together, this enriched customer data enables the creation of tailored product recommendations, personalized email campaigns, and customized website experiences that can make customers feel valued and understood, which increases repeat purchases and loyalty.

Targeted Marketing Campaigns

It’s important for e-commerce brands to tailor their marketing campaigns to specific customer segments. For example, predictive models can identify customers who are likely to be valuable or those who have a high propensity to purchase, and target them with messaging, creative, products, and offers that will resonate, maximizing ROI. In addition to identifying WHAT messages to send, these insights can also tell brands WHEN they should be sent to reach customers when they are most likely to make a purchase, with the greatest impact.


The brand’s existing customer is the easiest to acquire. Therefore, as customer acquisition costs continue to rise, retaining existing customers should be a priority. Predictive analytics can help brands anticipate and take action on unique customer needs. Tactics such as personalized offers or loyalty programs based on segment data can increase LTV, which drives profitable brand growth.

Turning insights into action

When e-commerce brands leverage first-party customer data and predictive analytics, they can significantly improve not only their revenue generation, but also their profitability and business sustainability. As the e-commerce landscape evolves with the advent of AI and predictive capabilities, data-driven and identity-driven strategies will play an increasingly important role in driving growth. By prioritizing customer LTV, brands can build long-term customer relationships and secure a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Cary Lawrence is the CEO of Decile, a customer analytics and data platform with a mission to help e-commerce brands achieve profitability.